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Search results 21..30 of 41 for: journal

C API: Standard File Control Opcodes
 ... The SQLITE_FCNTL_JOURNAL_POINTER opcode is used to obtain a pointer to the sqlite3_file object associated with the journal file (either the rollback journal or the write-ahead log) for a particular database connection. See also SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER. No longer in use. The ... 
 ... When overwriting the original, a rollback journal or write-ahead log WAL file is used just as it would be for any other database transaction. This means that when VACUUMing a database, as much as twice the size of the ... 
Result and Error Codes
6. Result Code Meanings  ... The SQLITE_READONLY_ROLLBACK error code indicates that a database cannot be opened because it has a hot journal that needs to be rolled back but cannot because the database is readonly. (778) SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE The SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE error code is an extended error ... 
How SQLite Is Tested
8.5. Journal Tests One of the things that SQLite does to ensure that transactions are atomic across system crashes and power failures is to write all changes into the rollback journal file prior to changing the database. The TCL test harness contains an ... 
3. Variety of Error Messages  ... The error code is SQLITE_NOTICE_RECOVER_ROLLBACK when recovering a rollback journal and SQLITE_NOTICE_RECOVER_WAL when recovering a write-ahead log. SQLITE_WARNING messages are logged when database files are renamed or aliased in ways that can lead to database corruption. (See 1 and ... 
6. Why Can't I Just Use Ordinary rsync?  ... If no other processes are connected to the database for the entire time that rsync is running, and if the database does not have a hot journal, then rsync will make a consistent copy of the database. But if you ... 
 ... For example, an application that does not care about crash recovery or rollback, might make the open of a journal file a no-op. Writes to this journal are also a no-op. Any attempt to read the journal returns ... 
C API: Online Backup API.
sqlite3_backup_init(), sqlite3_backup_step(), sqlite3_backup_finish(), sqlite3_backup_remaining(), sqlite3_backup_pagecount()
 ... The sqlite3_backup_step() might return SQLITE_READONLY if the destination database was opened read-only, or the destination database is using write-ahead-log journaling and the destination and source page sizes differ, or the destination database is an in-memory database ... 
Books About SQLite
 ... It also describe how the workings of SQLite, and in particular the journal and WAL, can be used to ascertain what has happened in a manner that cannot be determined from the data alone. The book covers basic SQL queries ... 
Compile-time Options
4. Options To Set Default Parameter Values  ... SQLITE_DEFAULT_JOURNAL_SIZE_LIMIT=<bytes> This option sets the size limit on rollback journal files in persistent journal mode and exclusive locking mode and on the size of the write-ahead log file in WAL mode. When this compile-time option ... 


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