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Search results 11..20 of 25 for: stored procedure

 ... The entire SQL database is stored in a single file on the disk. But additional temporary files may be created during the execution of an SQL command in order to store the database rollback journal or temporary and intermediate results ... 
Query Planning
1.3. Lookup By Index  ... CREATE INDEX Idx1 ON fruitsforsale(fruit); An index is another table similar to the original "fruitsforsale" table but with the content (the fruit column in this case) stored in front of the rowid and with all rows in content order ... 
Books About SQLite
 ... There is no separate install or setup procedure to initialize SQLite before using it. There is no configuration file. SQLite is open source, and is available in the public domain (for more information on open source, visit ... 
 ... Content can be stored as INTEGER, REAL, TEXT, BLOB, or as NULL. (3) SQLite lets me insert a string into a database column of type integer! This is a feature, not a bug. SQLite uses dynamic typing. It does not ... 
4. The Opcodes  ... If P1 holds a NULL then store a NULL in P2. BitOr Take the bit-wise OR of the values in register P1 and P2 and store the result in register P3. If either input is NULL, the result is ... 
 ... Deleting a hot journal SQLite normally stores all content in a single disk file. However, while performing a transaction, information necessary to recover the database following a crash or power failure is stored in auxiliary journal files. Such journal files ... 
 ... memvfs.c — Implementation of a new VFS that stores all content in-memory. rot13.c — Implementation of a rot13() SQL function. This is a very simple example of an extension function and is useful as a template for ... 
WAL-mode File Format
 ... u32 aPgno[4096]; u16 aHash[8192]; Collectively, the aPgno entries record the database page number stored in all frames of the WAL file. The aPgno[0] entry on the first hash table records the database page number stored in the ... 
Atomic Commit In SQLite
 ... So, beginning with version 3.3.14, whenever any page within a sector is written into the journal file, all pages in that same sector are stored with it. It is important to store all pages of a sector in ... 
The Next-Generation Query Planner
5.1. Case Study: Upgrading Fossil to the NGQP  ... The ANALYZE command gathers statistics on the quality of the various indexes and stores those statistics in SQLITE_STAT1 table. Having access to this statistical information, the NGQP easily chooses algorithm-1 as the best algorithm, by a wide margin. Why ... 


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