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Search results 11..20 of 105 for: index

Full-Featured SQL
 ... Tables, indexes, triggers, and views in unlimited quantity Up to 32K columns in a table and unlimited rows Multi-column indexes Indexes can use DESC and COLLATE Partial indexes Indexes On Expressions Clustered indexes Covering indexes CHECK, UNIQUE, NOT NULL ... 
1.1. Table and Index Scans  ... Whether or not an index or automatic index is used. Whether or not the covering index optimization applies. Which terms of the WHERE clause are used for indexing. For example, the following EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN command operates on a SELECT ... 
Imposter Tables
2. Details Each table and each index in SQLite is stored in a separate b-tree in the database file. Each b-tree is identified by its root page number. The root page number for any index or table can be found ... 
9. Covering Indexes When doing an indexed lookup of a row, the usual procedure is to do a binary search on the index to find the index entry, then extract the rowid from the index and use that rowid to do a binary ... 
 ... If it identifies a specific database index, then just that index is recreated. For a command of the form "REINDEX name", a match against collation-name takes precedence over a match against index-name or table-name. This ambiguity in ... 
Database File Format
2.5.1. Suppression of redundant columns in WITHOUT ROWID secondary indexes In an index on a WITHOUT ROWID table, if a column of the PRIMARY KEY is also a column in the index and has a matching collating sequence, then the indexed column is not repeated in the table-key suffix ... 
The Schema Table
3. Interpretation Of The Schema Table  ... For an index, the tbl_name is the name of the table that is indexed. For a trigger, the tbl_name column stores the name of the table or view that causes the trigger to fire. rootpage The sqlite_schema.rootpage column stores ... 
WAL-mode File Format
2. The WAL-Index File Format The WAL-index or "shm" file is used to coordinate access to the database by multiple clients, and as a cache to help clients quickly locate frames within the wal file. Because the shm file is not involved in recovery ... 
Deterministic SQL Functions
2. Restrictions on the use of non-deterministic functions  ... The values of functions in CHECK constraints determines which entries are valid for a table, and functions in the WHERE clause of a partial index or in an index on an expression compute values stored in the index b-tree ... 
1.2. Example Output  ... Unused bytes on index pages The total number of bytes of unused space on all index pages. The percentage at the right is the number of unused bytes divided by the total number of bytes on index pages. Unused bytes ... 


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