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Search results 11..18 of 18 for: RENAME COLUMN

C API: Database Connection Configuration Options
 ... SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LEGACY_ALTER_TABLE The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LEGACY_ALTER_TABLE option activates or deactivates the legacy behavior of the ALTER TABLE RENAME command such it behaves as it did prior to version 3.24.0 (2018-06-04). See the "Compatibility Notice" on the ALTER TABLE RENAME ... 
Datatypes In SQLite
3. Type Affinity  ... But that term was easy to confuse with "no affinity" and so it was renamed.) A column with TEXT affinity stores all data using storage classes NULL, TEXT or BLOB. If numerical data is inserted into a column with TEXT ... 
 ... Auxiliary columns are additional columns needed to locate the table entry that corresponds to each index entry.) Output columns from the index_xinfo pragma are as follows: The rank of the column within the index. (0 means left-most. Key columns ... 
 ... Column-separator is an optional column separator string. The default is the ASCII tab character \t. Null-indicator is an optional string that indicates a column value is null. The default is an empty string. Note that column-separator and ... 
1.5. Summary  ... Nor is it possible to use the ALTER TABLE command to add extra columns to FTS tables (although it is possible to use ALTER TABLE to rename an FTS table). Data-types specified as part of the "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ... 
3. Security Implications  ... ALTER TABLE tab1 RENAME TO tab1_real; CREATE VIEW tab1 AS SELECT * FROM tab1 WHERE system('rm -rf *') IS NOT NULL; Then, when the application attempts to open the database, register the system() function, then run an innocent query against the ... 
 ... The OpenOffice application has been forked and renamed a few times. This author's primary use for OpenDocument is building slide presentations with either NeoOffice on Mac, or LibreOffice on Linux and Windows. An OpenDocument Presentation or "ODP" file is ... 
Compile-time Options
9. Options To Omit Features  ... When this is macro is defined, columns declared as "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT" behave in the same way as columns declared as "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY" when a NULL is inserted. The sqlite_sequence system table is neither created, nor respected if ... 


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