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Search results 11..20 of 25 for: NEAR(row contains, 1)

Row Values
1. Definitions  ... The "size" of a row value is the number of scalar values the row value contains. The size of a row value is always at least 2. A row value with a single column is just a scalar value. A ... 
SQLite Foreign Key Support
2. Enabling Foreign Key Support  ... If the command "PRAGMA foreign_keys" returns no data instead of a single row containing "0" or "1", then the version of SQLite you are using does not support foreign keys (either because it is older than 3.6.19 or ... 
The WITH Clause
 ... Then the row containing 2 is used as if it were the complete content of the recursive table and the recursive-select is run again, resulting in a row with value "3" being added to the queue. This repeats 999999 ... 
Query Planning
1.3. Lookup By Index  ... Then the database engines does a second binary search on the original FruitsForSale table to find the original row that contains fruit='Peach'. From the row in the FruitsForSale table, SQLite can then extract the value of the price column ... 
1. Introduction to FTS3 and FTS4  ... The full-text index allows the user to efficiently query the database for all rows that contain one or more words (hereafter "tokens"), even if the table contains many large documents. For example, if each of the 517430 documents in ... 
 ... A 281 terabytes database can hold no more than approximately 2e+13 rows, and then only if there are no indices and if each row contains very little data. Maximum Database Size Every database consists of one or more "pages ... 
 ... If the changeset row contains fewer fields than the database table, the trailing fields are populated with their default values. If the attempt to insert the row fails because the database already contains a row with the same primary key ... 
 ... For each UNIQUE constraint on the table, each row must contain a unique combination of values in the columns identified by the UNIQUE constraint. For the purposes of UNIQUE constraints, NULL values are considered distinct from all other values, including ... 
4.1. Computing and controlling parameters M and n  ... SQL table rows that contain large strings or BLOBs. Complex SQL queries that compile down to large prepared statements. SQL parser objects used internally by sqlite3_prepare_v2(). Storage space for database connection objects. Page cache memory allocations that overflow into the ... 
SQL Language Expressions
 ... In particular, rows containing NULL values are not handled any differently from rows without NULL values. 11. Subquery Expressions A SELECT statement enclosed in parentheses is a subquery. All types of SELECT statement, including aggregate and compound SELECT queries (queries ... 


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