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Search results 1..10 of 72 for: trigger

The DROP TRIGGER statement removes a trigger created by the CREATE TRIGGER statement. Once removed, the trigger definition is no longer present in the sqlite_schema (or sqlite_temp_schema) table and is not fired by any subsequent INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements ... 
 ... are not supported directly by statements inside of triggers but may be embedded within sub-selects used by statements inside of triggers. 3. INSTEAD OF triggers BEFORE and AFTER triggers work only on ordinary tables. INSTEAD OF triggers work only ... 
sqlite3_changes(), sqlite3_changes64()
 ... Before entering a trigger program the value returned by sqlite3_changes() function is saved. After the trigger program has finished, the original value is restored. Within a trigger program each INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statement sets the value returned by sqlite3_changes ... 
Automatic Undo/Redo Using SQLite This page demonstrates how to use triggers to implement undo/redo logic for an application that uses SQLite as its application file format. Object-Oriented Design This design note considers the database to be a ... 
 ... Complete trigger support  FOR EACH ROW triggers are supported but not FOR EACH STATEMENT triggers. Writing to VIEWs  VIEWs in SQLite are read-only. You may not execute a DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement on a view. But ... 
 ... Restrictions on DELETE Statements Within CREATE TRIGGER The following restrictions apply to DELETE statements that occur within the body of a CREATE TRIGGER statement: The table-name specified as part of a DELETE statement within a trigger body must be ... 
The Schema Table
3. Interpretation Of The Schema Table  ... For a trigger, the tbl_name column stores the name of the table or view that causes the trigger to fire. rootpage The sqlite_schema.rootpage column stores the page number of the root b-tree page for tables and indexes. For ... 
 ... Any triggers attached to the table are dropped from the database schema before the implicit DELETE FROM is executed, so this cannot cause any triggers to fire. By contrast, an implicit DELETE FROM does cause any configured foreign key actions ... 
sqlite3_trace(), sqlite3_profile()
 ... Additional sqlite3_trace() callbacks might occur as each triggered subprogram is entered. The callbacks for triggers contain a UTF-8 SQL comment that identifies the trigger. The SQLITE_TRACE_SIZE_LIMIT compile-time option can be used to limit the length of bound parameter ... 
2.1. Schema  ... The "subprog" field is NULL for the main body of the prepared statement, or is the trigger name or the string "(FK)" for triggers and foreign key actions. The schema for the tables_used table is: CREATE TABLE tables_used( type TEXT ... 


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