
Replication Test API

Replication Test API

Replication Test API

  1. Overview
  2. Leader Scripts
  3. Follower Scripts
  4. Configuration Options

There are currently no applications that use the hct replication API. However, this page describes a Tcl extension that may be used to experiment with its performance and capabilities.

1. Overview

The extension is built as part of the "testfixture" Tcl interpreter binary. To build "testfixture", run the following from the root directory of the source tree:

    ./configure && make testfixture

Extension code is available in the src/test_hctserver.c file in the main source tree.

Using the extension to test the replication capabilities of hctree requires writing at least two scripts:

There are example leader and follower scripts in the doc/hctree directory of the source tree. To run the test system, first build testfixture as described above. Then, still in the root directory of the source tree, run both of the following commands. The commands must be run concurrently, and the leader script must be started before the follower - so that the follower script can connect to the leader.

    ./testfixture ./doc/hctree/testfixture_leader.tcl
    ./testfixture ./doc/hctree/testfixture_follower.tcl

When started, both leader and follower processes call sqlite3_hct_journal_rollback on the database to remove all journal entries following the first hole in the journal.

When a follower process is started, it immediately connects to the leader, which is listening on a well-known port for connections. It then sends the XOR of the hash of all journal entries in its database, along with the largest CID value that it has, to the leader. Call this a "synchronization request". Because sqlite3_hct_journal_rollback() has been called to remove all holes from the journal, this is sufficient for the leader node to determine if the follower node's database is compabitible with the leader node database. If it is, then the leader node replies with all journal entries that it has that the follower node does not. The follower node then uses multiple threads to apply the journal entries to its local database using sqlite3_hct_journal_write().

Along with the missing journal entries, the leader node sends the number of jobs to the follower when it first connects. After it has applied the journal entries, the follower node establishes one new connection to the leader node for each job. On the leader, one new connection is assigned to each job thread. Thereafter, when the thread commits a transaction to the database, the registered sqlite3_hct_journal_hook() callback serializes and sends the new journal entry to each connected follower node via its dedicated socket connection.

Meanwhile, on the follower node, a separate thread with its own database connection has been launched for each job on the leader. These threads wait on their dedicated socket for journal entries sent by job threads on the leader node, applying them with sqlite3_hct_journal_write() as soon as they are received. These are called subscriber threads, as they subscribe to changes from a job thread on the leader.

At this point, there is a possibility that the follower will miss any changes committed on the leader after its initial synchronization request is sent but before the subscriber connections are established. To ensure these are captured, once the subscriber connections and threads have been established the follower node sends another synchronization request. As before, multiple threads are used to apply the received changes to the local follower database.

This is an implementation of the system described (and diagramed) here under "Normal Operation" and "Adding a Node". It does not attempt to handle complicated scenarios like leader node failure or network partitioning. Nor does it attempt any kind of flow control.

2. Leader Scripts

The full leader script described below is available here. As is the follower script.

A leader script generally does the following:

  1. Initializes an hctree replication enabled database. Alternatively, it may simply open an existing db. For example:
    file delete -force my_test.db
    sqlite3 dbhdl file:my_test.db?hctree=1 -uri 1
    sqlite3_hct_journal_init dbhdl
    sqlite3_hct_journal_setmode dbhdl LEADER
    dbhdl eval {
    dbhdl close
  2. Creates and configures a "testserver" object.

    hct_testserver T my_test.db
    T configure -seconds 120
    The above configures the testserver object to run for 120 seconds before exiting. This is advisory, in fact the testserver run command will run until the last configured job (see step 3) has exited. Each Tcl job script has access to the "hct_testserver_timeout" command which returns true if the testserver has been running for more than the configured number of seconds (in this case 120), or false otherwise.

  3. Adds one or more jobs - Tcl scripts - that write to the database. The following adds 6 separate jobs to server object T created in step 2 above.

    # Set variable $script to contain the script run by each job.
    set script {
      set nBusy 0
      set nCommit 0
      while {[hct_testserver_timeout]==0} {
        db eval {
            REPLACE INTO t1 VALUES(
                random() % 10000, randomblob(100), randomblob(100)
        set rc [catch {db eval COMMIT} msg]
        incr nCommit
        if {$rc!=0} {
          if {$msg=="database is locked"} {
            db eval ROLLBACK
            incr nBusy
          } else {
            # An unexpected error. Rethrow an exception.
            error $msg
        after 10      ;# Sleep 10ms
      puts "$nCommit attempted commits, $nBusy busy errors"
    # Configure the testserver object with 6 jobs, all running the same script.
    for {set iJob 0} {$iJob < 6} {incr iJob} {
      T job $script

  4. Runs the server. This command launches a separate thread for each job added to the server object, while also listening for connections from follower processes. It returns when the last of the job scripts has exited.

    T run

3. Follower Scripts

The full follower script described below is available here. As is the leader script.

A follower script is simpler than a leader script. It

  1. Initializes an empty hctree replication enabled database. Or, it may open an existing database. For example:
    file delete -force my_follower.db
    sqlite3 dbhdl file:my_follower.db?hctree=1 -uri 1
    sqlite3_hct_jounal_init dbhdl
    dbhdl close
  2. Create and configure a "testserver" object in follower mode. And to use 8 threads to synchronize the database.
    hct_testserver T my_follower.db
    T configure -follower 1 -syncthreads 8
  3. Run the server object.
    T run

4. Configuration Options

The testserver object created by the "hct_testserver" Tcl command supports the following configuration options.

-follower(default 0)
This boolean option should be set to 0 for leader nodes, or 1 for followers.

-host (default "localhost")
This option has no effect on leader nodes. For follower nodes, it determines the host of the leader node to connect to.

-port (default 21212)
For leader nodes, the port to listen for connections on. For follower nodes, the port to connect to.

-seconds (default 0)
The number of seconds after the testserver "run" sub-command is invoked before the "hct_testserver_timeout" command returns non-zero in job threads. If this option is set to 0, then hct_testserver_timeout never returns non-zero.

-syncbytes (default 0)
Normally, upon startup a follower sends a single synchronization request to the leader, processes the results, then sets up the subscriber connections and threads. However, if this option is set to a non-zero value, then instead the follower sends another synchronization request, and continues sending them and processing the results until either (a) the leader replies with less than N bytes of data, where N is the value of this option, or (b) leader replies with more data than it did to the previous synchronization request.

-syncthreads      (default 1)
The number of threads used to process the reply to synchronization requests. Must be greater than 0.