


Leader/Follower Replication and Hctree/Bedrock

One of the three goals for hctree - as yet unimplemented and as yet only vaguely conceived - is to provide support for leader/follower replication for use in a system like bedrockdb. This page discusses exactly what those features might be by examining how a high-concurrency hctree/bedrock system might work.

It is organized as follows:

  1. Distributed Journal Changes - in which two modifications to bedrock's distributed journal required to improve concurrency are described.

  2. Node Catchup - how the modified journal entry format permits concurrency during catchup.

  3. Followers and ASYNC Transactions - how the modified journal entry format permits concurrency when applying ASYNC transactions, and how readers must be managed on follower nodes to ensure they see only consistent database snapshots.

  4. Leaders and ASYNC Transactions - how leaders can generate journal entries while processing ASYNC transactions without sacrificing database concurrency.

  5. Concurrent QUORUM Transactions - how QUORUM transactions would work, and how they can be run concurrently.

  6. Conclusion - a summary of the required hctree features identified in the previous 4 sections.

1. Distributed Journal Changes

Bedrock links successfully committed write-transactions performed on the leader node into a distributed journal, where each journal entry is an SQL script made up (more or less) of the write statements from the original transaction. The journal is distributed to follower nodes, which evaluate journal entry scripts in order to bring the follower node database up to date.

Hctree background:

Hctree assigns to each transaction a unique integer id - the total number of transactions written to the database since the beginning of time. It calls this value the "commit id" (CID).

Bedrock documentation and code sometimes calls this value the "commit count", or the "transaction id", which is tricky because hctree uses "transaction id" for something else. This page uses "commit id" or CID.

Whatever it's called, each write-transaction/journal entry is assigned a CID as part of committing the transaction.

To improve concurrency, the distributed journal format used by an hctree/bedrock system might differ from the current Bedrock in two ways:

  1. The contents of each journal entry is changed to a key-value format, where each key identifies a database row by table and PRIMARY KEY or rowid, and each value is either the new contents of the database row, or else a tombstone to indicate that the row is to be deleted.

    This change is to improve concurrency on follower nodes, and during synchronization/catchup.

  2. The most recent part of a journal might be missing entries.

    Bedrock always commits transactions to the local db in order of CID. This means that journal entries are also committed in order and thus the journal always contains a contiguous array of entries. In a high-concurrency system, this restriction on commit order must be relaxed, and so it is no longer possible to guarantee that a local node's journal always contains a contiguous set of entries - some entries from the most recent part of the journal may be missing.

    This change is to allow (a) concurrent commits on leader nodes, and (b) concurrent QUORUM transactions.

1.1. Modified journal entry format

If we had the database:

    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, 'one', 'i');
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(2, 'two', 'ii');
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(3, 'three', 'iii');

and a transaction run on the leader node contains:

    UPDATE t1 SET c=NULL WHERE c IN('i', 'ii');
    INSERT INTO t1(a, b, c) VALUES(NULL, 'four', 'iv');
    DELETE FROM t1 WHERE b='three';
produces the following journal entry:

t1: rowid=1: (1, 'one', NULL) t1: rowid=2: (2, 'two', NULL) t1: rowid=3: DELETE t1: rowid=4: (4, 'four', 'iv') CID=X
CX: box "t1: rowid=1: (1, 'one', NULL)"  ljust \
    "t1: rowid=2: (2, 'two', NULL)"  ljust \
    "t1: rowid=3: DELETE"            ljust \
    "t1: rowid=4: (4, 'four', 'iv')" ljust fit
text "CID=X" with s at CX.n


In other words, an hctree/bedrock journal entry contains the results of executing the SQL transaction on the leader node instead of the SQL script itself. This is very similar to what the SQLite sessions module does.

1.2. Relaxed Write-Order Restriction and Synchronization

Each time a transaction is committed to a bedrock node, be it a leader or follower node, a corresponding journal entry must be written to the journal table as part of the same atomic transaction.

Current bedrock also requires that transactions be committed in order of CID value on both leaders and followers. During synchronization, this allows it to assume that the journal table for a bedrock node's local database contains a contiguous set of journal entries from CID=iCidMin to CID=iCidLast, where iCidLast is the CID of the last transaction committed to the database before the node was halted. And that the last entry is accompanied by a checksum that summarizes all journal entries from CID=1 (the beginning of time) to CID=iCidLast.

In order to achieve proper write concurrency, the restriction on commit order must be relaxed. Which affects the possible states of the journal that synchronization has to deal with. For example, if transactions CID=5 and CID=6 are committing concurrently and the hctree/bedrock process crashes or is shut down, then following a restart it may be that transaction CID=6 committed but transaction CID=5 did not. This means synchronization must be able to deal with a journal table that contains CID=6, but not CID=5. More generally, the at synchronization time, the journal table contains:

This makes synchronization more complicated in practice of course, but it doesn't really change it logically. During synchronization, in current bedrock:

None of the above changes for hctree/bedrock. The "summary" must change of course, but could be as simple as a single checksum for all transactions between CID=1 and CID=iCidLastContiguous, accompanied by the full data for all transactions from the sparsely populated range.

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 25 Example bedrock journal pre-synchonization: Example hctree/bedrock journal pre-synchonization: sparsely populated range iCidLast iCidMin iCidMin iCidLastContiguous

START: arrow thin ; 
ICIDMIN1: box "12" ; arrow thin ; box "13";
arrow thin ; box "14" ; arrow thin ; box "15" ;
arrow thin ; box "16" ; arrow thin ; box "17" ;
arrow thin ; box "18" ; arrow thin ; 
ICIDLAST1: box "19" ;

arrow thin ; box thin dashed ; arrow thin ; box thin dashed ; 
arrow thin ; box thin dashed ; arrow thin ; box thin dashed ; 
arrow thin ; box thin dashed ; arrow thin ; box thin dashed ; 
arrow thin

NEXT: arrow thin from START.w + (0.0, -0.5)
ICIDMIN2: box "12" ; arrow thin ; box "13";
arrow thin ; box "14" ; arrow thin ; box "15" ;
arrow thin ; box "16" ; arrow thin ; box "17" ;
arrow thin ; 
ICIDLASTCONT2: box "18" ; 

FLC: arrow thin ; box thin dashed ;
arrow thin ; box thin dashed ; arrow thin ; box "21" ;
arrow thin ; box "22"        ; arrow thin ; box thin dashed ;

arrow thin ; box "25" ; arrow thin ; box thin dashed ;
LA: arrow thin

text "Example bedrock journal" "pre-synchonization:" with e at START.w
text "Example hctree/bedrock" "journal pre-synchonization:" with e at NEXT.w

L: line from FLC.c+(0.0,-0.15) to FLC.c+(0.05,-0.20) to LA.c+(-0.05,-0.20) to LA.c+(0.0,-0.15) thin 

text with c at L.c+(0.0,-0.1) "sparsely populated range"

text with c at ICIDLAST1.c+(-0.1,0.5) "iCidLast" italic
line from last text.s to ICIDLAST1.n thin

text with c at ICIDMIN1.c+(0.1,0.5) "iCidMin" italic
line from last text.s to ICIDMIN1.n thin

text with c at ICIDMIN2.c+(0.1,-0.5) "iCidMin" italic
line from last text.n to ICIDMIN2.s thin

text with c at ICIDLASTCONT2.c+(-0.1,-0.5) "iCidLastContiguous" italic
line from last text.n to ICIDLASTCONT2.s thin

One more rule:

When a new, fully-synchronized, leader takes over and begins accepting write requests, if there are any missing journal entries in its local journal - holes in the journal - these must be dealt with before proceeding. There are two ways to do so:

Follower nodes must of course be instructed to do the same.

The second of the above two options seems dramatic. It discards data, after all. However, it is necessary to guarantee that the database snapshot following the change-of-leader is consistent both internally and with the application logic. More detail here.

2. Node Catchup

When a node comes back online as a follower it has to apply journal entries to its local database in order to "catch up" to the current state of the distributed database. Perhaps many journal entries.

Hctree background:

  • Internally, hctree uses CID values as well.

  • Each table and index entry in an hctree database carries with it the CID value* of the transaction that wrote the entry.

  • After a table or index entry has been deleted from an hctree database, something similar to a tombstone marker remains in the database, carrying with it the CID* of the transaction that deleted the entry.

More detail on the things similar to tombstone markers here.

*Actually this is not true - each entry contains a value that can be mapped to the CID - but close enough.

Normally, hctree assigns its CID values itself, internally. However, we could create a special "follower mode" with two features:

For example, say the journal contains two entries that both write to the row with rowid=11 in table "t1":

...other write ops... t1: rowid=11: (11, 'eleven', NULL) ...other write ops... ...other write ops... t1: rowid=11: (11, 'eleven', 'xi') ...other write ops... CID=6 CID=7
C6: box "...other write ops..." italic ljust "t1: rowid=11: (11, 'eleven', NULL)" ljust "...other write ops..." italic ljust fit
C7: box "...other write ops..." italic ljust "t1: rowid=11: (11, 'eleven', 'xi')" ljust "...other write ops..." italic ljust fit
text "CID=6" with s at C6.n
text "CID=7" with s at C7.n

During catchup, if these two transactions are executed concurrently, one of two things happens to the contended row (hctree's atomic update mechanism guarantees this):

In the first case above, there is no problem and the second write operation can go ahead. CID=7 should follow CID=6 after all. In the second case, the thread applying the CID=6 update can see that it would be clobbering a row written by a transaction with CID=7 and simply skip the write. Either way, the final state of the database reflects CID=7, which is correct. Due to the tombstone marker analogues, this works with DELETE operations as well.

It follows that, so long as threads follow this rule of never clobbering newer data with older data, journal entry transactions may be run in any order during a catchup operation, using as many concurrent threads as proves performant.

3. Followers and ASYNC Transactions

In a busy system, follower nodes are continually receiving a stream of new journal entries corresponding to asynchronous transactions. These can be handled using "follower mode" in the same way as during catchup - divided up between as many concurrent threads as desired, each of which is careful never to clobber new data with old.

Hctree background:

  • Each table and index entry in an hctree database is actually the head of a linked list containing recent historical versions of the entry (from newest to oldest). Each linked list entry contains a CID and data for the version of the database entry.

  • When reading from an hctree db, the readers snapshot is defined by a CID value - the "snapshot id". All transactions with CIDs equal to or less than the snapshot id are included in the reader's snapshot.

  • If a reader encounters a database entry with a CID greater than its snapshot id, it searches backwards in the linked list to find an older version that may be included in its snapshot.

More detail here.

However, we do have to be a bit careful about readers. A reader must not see an inconsistent snapshot, where a consistent snapshot S is defined as one that would be produced if all journal entries from CID=1 to CID=S were applied sequentially to the database. There are two rules:

More concisely, snapshot S is available if all the rows that make up snapshot S have been written to the database.

While processing a stream of transactions from a leader node, a follower has to maintain value S0, the snapshot id for the newest snapshot that is available in the local database. This is the snapshot that new readers will read from.

3.1. Example of being a bit careful about readers

t1: rowid=5: (5, 'A1', 'B1') t1: rowid=6: (6, 'C', 'D') t1: rowid=5: (5, 'A2', 'B2') t1: rowid=7: (7, 'E', 'F') t1: rowid=8: (8, 'G', 'H') t1: rowid=9: (9, 'I', 'J') t1: rowid=5: (5, 'A3', 'B3') t1: rowid=10: (10, 'K', 'L') CID=12 CID=13 CID=14 CID=15
C12: box "t1: rowid=5: (5, 'A1', 'B1')"   ljust \
         "t1: rowid=6: (6, 'C', 'D')"   ljust fit 
C13: box "t1: rowid=5: (5, 'A2', 'B2')"   ljust \
         "t1: rowid=7: (7, 'E', 'F')"   ljust fit 
C14: box "t1: rowid=8: (8, 'G', 'H')"   ljust \
         "t1: rowid=9: (9, 'I', 'J')"   ljust fit 
C15: box "t1: rowid=5: (5, 'A3', 'B3')"   ljust \
         "t1: rowid=10: (10, 'K', 'L')"   ljust fit 

text "CID=12" with s at C12.n
text "CID=13" with s at C13.n
text "CID=14" with s at C14.n
text "CID=15" with s at C15.n

The diagram above depicts a stream of 4 ASYNC transactions. Three of them hit the same row, row rowid=5 in table t1. And write to other rows too.

Consider the effect of these all being committed concurrently on a follower node, where the order in which the commits complete is CID=12, CID=15, CID=13, and finally CID=14.

4. Leaders and Async Transactions

Bedrock currently takes a mutex around all COMMIT operations. It does 3 things under cover of this mutex:

In order to maximize concurrency and throughput, an hctree/bedrock system should avoid using such a mutex.

Hctree already assigns a CID value to each transaction internally, and (obviously) commits transactions. In order to avoid sacrificing concurrency, it also needs to build in support for writing journal entries at a low level. Explanation follows:

Hctree background:

While processing SQL statements as part of a transaction, Hctree accumulates all table and index b-tree inserts and deletes in memory. Then, at COMMIT:

  1. All new keys and deletes are inserted into the database. At this point they are ignored by all readers.

  2. The commit-id (CID) value is assigned to the transaction. CID values are 64-bit integers. They are assigned by incrementing a global counter.

  3. The transaction is validated (database is checked to see if any data read by the transaction has been modified). If validation fails, all keys and deletes inserted in step (2) above are removed from the db.

  4. If validation succeeds, an entry is set in an in-memory table to mark the transaction as fully committed. New clients are from this point able to see the data written by the transaction.

Multiple COMMIT operations can be concurrently ongoing. More detail regarding hctree COMMIT operations here.

The level of detail above is salient for the following reasons:

It follows then that hctree should handle the journal table itself, as a special case. So that each time a transaction is successfully committed, hctree generates the journal entry, and:

When a transaction is rolled back after a CID is allocated (due to failed validation), an empty entry is written to the journal and returned to the user. The CID cannot be reused (some other thread may already be using CID values greater than it), and followers need to know that the transaction is finished so that it can keep track of the available database snapshots.

Leader nodes then simply write ASYNC transactions to the local database using multiple threads. This automatically generates journal entries, both on disk, and in-memory. These are periodically broadcast to followers.

5. Quorum Transactions

Hctree background:

  • The "hctree background" block in the section above contains a four step description of how transactions are committed in hctree.

  • Not shown is that immediately after the CID is allocated in step 2, the snapshot containing the transaction is made available to local readers. That is, if the transaction being commited has CID=S, then the snapshot id for subsequent readers is S. This is true even though it is not known at that point whether or not S will be committed or rolled back (as validation has not yet been performed).

  • If a reader encounters a database entry with a CID for which validation is pending, it blocks until the transaction is either committed or rolled back.

  • This cannot deadlock as transactions never block during validation - they make the pessimistic assuption that all data will be committed.

Obtaining quorum for a QUORUM transaction is a type of transaction validation and can be performed as part of the same step.

Multiple threads can do this concurrently.

6. Conclusion

The approach described above requires the following new hctree features:

  1. Journal Entry Support

    • As part of a COMMIT operation on a leader node, after a CID is assigned to the transaction hctree should write a journal entry to a special table in the database.
    • If transaction validation succeeds and the transaction is committed, the journal entry is committed to the db along with it.
    • If transaction validation fails and the transaction is rolled back, an empty entry is written to the journal table instead.
  2. Follower Mode Writes

    • Follower mode writes are used to apply journal entries to a follower database.
    • For a follower mode write, the CID value is specified by the writer, not generated internally by hctree.
    • There is no transaction validation for follower mode transactions (although a post-validation callback may still be issued - see below). Instead, writers follow the rule of never clobbering newer data with older data.
  3. Follower Mode Snapshot Availability Queries

    • On a follower node, a client must be able to query for the CID of the newest snapshot available.
  4. Post-validation Callback

    • The post-validation - or perhaps "custom validation" - callback is issued by hctree after a transaction is validated but before it is committed.
    • It returns a value indicating whether the transaction should be committed or rolled back.
    • The journal entry data and transaction CID are available to the callback code.
    • Any reader that attempts to read a key while the transaction that wrote it is in the post-validation callback blocks until the transaction is either committed or rolled back (just as readers do if the writer transaction is still undergoing local validation).
    • Other readers - those that do not read any keys written by the transaction still in the post-validation callback - may proceed as normal.