SQLite Forum

Mention column widths assume raw bytes

Mention column widths assume raw bytes

(1) By Dan Jacobson 積丹尼 (jidanni) on 2021-07-30 20:26:20 [source]

On https://www.sqlite.org/cli.html , after

sqlite> .mode box
sqlite> select * from tbl1;

the box is misformatted, at least in the chrome browser.

Also cli.html should mention that CJK characters that take two columns
(fullwidth) are assumed to take three (due to three UTF-8 bytes) or
something. So for better results the user should use e.g., the
column(1) Linux command.

> ...with no arguments sets all columns widths to zero and hence causes all
> column widths to be determine automatically.
Say determined not determine.