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json_tree documentation improvement: change type "string" to "text"

json_tree documentation improvement: change type "string" to "text"

(1) By anonymous on 2021-03-25 17:52:22 [source]

On https://www.sqlite.org/json1.html the documentation for json_tree says:

The schema for the table returned by json_each() and json_tree() is as follows:

CREATE TABLE json_tree(
    key ANY,             -- key for current element relative to its parent
    value ANY,           -- value for the current element
    type TEXT,           -- 'object','array','string','integer', etc.
    atom ANY,            -- value for primitive types, null for array & object
    id INTEGER,          -- integer ID for this element
    parent INTEGER,      -- integer ID for the parent of this element
    fullkey TEXT,        -- full path describing the current element
    path TEXT,           -- path to the container of the current row
    json JSON HIDDEN,    -- 1st input parameter: the raw JSON
    root TEXT HIDDEN     -- 2nd input parameter: the PATH at which to start

However, the type returned for JSON strings is actually not 'string', it's 'text'. The documentation would be improved if this was reworded.


(2.1) By Larry Brasfield (larrybr) on 2021-03-25 20:54:41 edited from 2.0 in reply to 1 [link] [source]

I don't mean this as a hard contradiction, more an invitation to rethink.

That SQL comment is referring to JSON types, using JSON terminology. Just as SQLite calls its character sequence type something other than "string", it calls its object and array types something other than "object" and "array". (It calls them nothing or NULL because it has no direct equivalents.)

The alleged doc deficiency goes away if the "type" field refers to the JSON type rather than what SQLite type the "atom" field may (or may not) have.

(Added via edit:) Upon reconsideration (per post 4) I agree that it would be an improvement to eliminate the mention of "string" or clarify that that is the JSON type.

(3) By Harald Hanche-Olsen (hanche) on 2021-03-25 20:05:38 in reply to 2.0 [link] [source]

But there seems to be a contradiction between the docs and the implementation, then:

▶▶▶ select * from json_tree('"foo"');
key  value  type  atom  id  parent  fullkey  path
---  -----  ----  ----  --  ------  -------  ----
     foo    text  foo   0           $        $

Shouldn't the type field here adhere to JSON terminology, and hence contain the string 'string' in this case?

But changing it might break many applications, so for the sake of backward compatibility, I guess we're stuck with 'text'. And then the question is once more whether the documentation ought to reflect this.

(4) By Larry Brasfield (larrybr) on 2021-03-25 20:45:17 in reply to 3 [link] [source]

Looking at this more closely, I agree with the OP that there is a slight self-contradiction in the doc page. The "type" column is said in the pseudo-definition of the table (returned by the json_tree() table-valued function) to possibly be "string" but later text says it can be "text", in agreement with the implementation. Hence, the SQL comment can lead to needless confusion at worst and useless pondering at best (unless entirely ignored.)

I see no real difficulty with 'text' being returned as that can be directly used in a CAST ( <expr> AS type ) expression with the least potential for puzzlement.

(5.1) By TripeHound on 2021-03-25 22:36:53 edited from 5.0 in reply to 2.1 [link] [source]

For objects and arrays it does return the "JSON types": "object" and "array":

select * from json_tree('{"a1":[1],"a2":"foo"}');
key         value                  type        atom        id          parent      fullkey     path
----------  ---------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
            {"a1":[1],"a2":"foo"}  object                  0                       $           $
a1          [1]                    array                   2           0           $.a1        $
0           1                      integer     1           3           2           $.a1[0]     $.a1
a2          foo                    text        foo         5           0           $.a2        $

so it's only "text" that it gets wrong. That probably cannot be changed for compatibility, but the docs should probably mention it. Perhaps:

 type TEXT,           -- 'object','array','text' (for a string),'integer', etc.