SQLite Forum

Query group missing from the output
Hi guys! 

For query:


CREATE TABLE v0 ( c1, c2 INT ) ;
INSERT INTO v0 ( c1, c2 ) VALUES ( 100, 200 ), ( 127, 400 ) ;

/* First Select */
SELECT  a8.c1 IN ( SELECT a9.c1 FROM v0 AS a9 GROUP BY a9.c1 HAVING SUM ( a8.c2 ) > 100 ) FROM v0 AS a8;
/* Outputs '1' */
/* Expected '1 \n 1 \n ' */

/* Second Select */
SELECT a8.c1 IN (SELECT a9.c1 FROM v0 AS a9 WHERE a8.c2 > 100) FROM v0 AS a8;
/* Outputs '1 \n 1 \n '. Expected */

/* Third Select */
SELECT a8.c1 IN (SELECT a9.c1 FROM v0 AS a9 WHERE a9.c2 > 100) FROM v0 AS a8;
/* Outputs '1 \n 1 \n '. Expected */


Since the subquery from the first SELECT statement has 'GROUP BY a9.c1', we expect two groups being created, and thus the result from the First Select statement should have 2 rows, which should be '1  1 '. However, just one row being returned from SQLite3. 

We notice that the alias a8 used in the HAVING clause plays a role in this query. We change the alias from a8 to a9 in the HAVING clause, the query returns '1  1 ' as expected. 

Do you have some insight why the First Select only returns one row as results?