SQLite Forum

Populating a tree from a flat table of [sub]categories

please see below table definition and datas.
From this flat table I need to display (in HTML, out of scope here) a tree of Categories.
At each level (3 of them, not more) the sorting discriminant is PgSort
At top level, by design ParentPage_Id is NULL
At 2d level ParentPage_Id is NOT NULL, but parent of parent is NULL
At 3d level, the item has 2 ancestors

I had some trials, with calculated fields, but I'll have to nest queries, or Window Functions.
A long time ago, i implemented this successfully in Access/VBA, but I think I need some help.
(I didn't practise SQL for some years, I'm back)

Output to be kind of :
PgPost / PgPost / PgPost
Can someone give me just a hint, nudge, good example of nested queries or window function...?

Thanks on forward.
Pierre-Yves Delens (.be)

  "ID_Page" INTEGER,
  "TxtID_Page" TEXT(25) NOT NULL,
  "ParentPage_Id" INTEGER,
  "PgSlug" TEXT(120) NOT NULL,
  "PgDescr" TEXT(200),
  "PgSort" integer(2) DEFAULT 50,

sqlite> SELECT * FROM PagesTreeTT1;
| ID_Page | TxtID_Page  | ParentPage_Id | PgSlug | PgDescr                    | PgSort |
| 2       | HistRchch   | NULL          | h      | Histoire d'une recherche   | 10     |
| 3       | TrvLieu     | NULL          | t      | Trouver un lieu            | 10     |
| 4       | GDN_        | 2             | g      | Gedinne - et rien d'autre  | 20     |
| 5       | gTrv        | 2             | j      | J'ai trouvé                | 30     |
| 6       | dots        | 2             | .      | ...                        | 40     |
| 7       | decouvert   | 2             | d      | Découverte                 | 20     |
| 8       | testAccent1 | NULL          | a      | aaa éàçè                   | 10     |
| 9       | testAccent2 | 7             | b      | bbb &$^~                   | 20     |
| 10      | SsLaForge   | 7             | s      | Sous la Forge - Copinette- | 30     |
| 11      | inaug       | 7             | i      | Inauguration               | 40     |
| 12      | chantier_   | NULL          | u      | Un chantier?               | 50     |
| 13      | autour      | NULL          | e      | Et autour de ce site       | 60     |
| 14      | infos       | NULL          | ii     | Infos utiles               | 70     |
| 15      | WillVlg     | 14            | w      | Willerzie (village)        | 10     |
| 16      | GdnCmn      | 14            | gg     | Gedinne (Commune)          | 20     |
| 17      | commerces   | 14            | c      | Commerces                  | 30     |
| 18      | services    | 14            | s      | Services                   | 40     |
| 19      | VieLocale-  | 14            | v      | Vie locale et régionale    | 50     |
| 20      | SocioEco    | 19            | ss     | Socio-économie             | 10     |
| 21      | culturel    | 19            | cc     | Culturel                   | 20     |
| 22      | politik     | 19            | p      | Politique                  | 30     |
| 23      | patrimn     | 19            | pp     | Patrimoine                 | 40     |
| 24      | nature      | 19            | n      | Nature                     | 50     |
| 25      | about       | NULL          | a      | A propos                   | 95     |
| 26      | hebergt     | 18            | hh     | Hébergements               | 10     |
| 27      | restaur     | 18            | r      | Restauration               | 20     |
| 28      | SportAct    | 18            | sa     | Sports - Activités         | 30     |
| 29      | brol        | 18            | bb     | brol                       | 35     |
| 30      | bril        | 18            | bbb    | bril                       | 36     |