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64-bit Win compile of Tcl interface, revisited

64-bit Win compile of Tcl interface, revisited

(1) By Gerry Snyder (GSnyder) on 2020-09-20 04:00:18 [link]

I have paused trying MSYS2, and am seeing if MSVC might be easier. I have magicsplat Tcl installed in c:/Program Files/Tcl which is the rules.vc default location.

The compilation seems fine, but the link step fails. Below is the output from running nmake:

sqlite-autoconf-3330000\tea\win> nmake /f makefile.vc

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.27.29111.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

*** Compiler has 'Optimizations'
*** Compiler does not have 'Pentium 0x0f fix'
*** Linker does not have 'Win98 alignment problem'
*** Intermediate directory will be '.\Release_VC13\tclsqlite3_ThreadedDynamic'
*** Output directory will be '.\Release_VC13'
*** Suffix for binaries will be 't'
*** Compiler version 13. Target machine is IX86
*** Host architecture is AMD64
*** Compiler options '-W3 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE  -Ot -Oi -fp:strict -Gs -GS -GL  -RTC1 -W3'
*** Link options '-ltcg'
        cl -DBUILD_sqlite -DUSE_TCL_STUBS  -DPACKAGE_VERSION="\"3.33.0\"" -nologo -c -W3 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -YX -Fp.\Release_VC13\tclsqlite3_ThreadedDynamic\ -O2 -Op -Gs -MD  -I"C:\Program Files\Tcl\lib\..\include" -I"..\win"  -I"..\generic" -I"..\.."  -DSQLITE_3_SUFFIX_ONLY=1 -DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE=1  -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3=1 -DSQLITE_OMIT_DEPRECATED=1  -DTCL_CFGVAL_ENCODING=\"cp1252\" -DSTDC_HEADERS -DTCL_THREADS=1 -DUSE_THREAD_ALLOC=1 -DNDEBUG -DTCL_CFG_OPTIMIZED -DBUILD_tclsqlite3 -Fo.\Release_VC13\tclsqlite3_ThreadedDynamic\  -c ..\generic\tclsqlite3.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-YX'
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-Op'
        link -nologo -machine:IX86 -release -opt:ref -opt:icf,3 -dll -out:.\Release_VC13\tclsqlite3.dll "C:\Program Files\Tcl\lib\..\lib\tclstub86.lib" @C:\Users\mesme\AppData\Local\Temp\nm32A0.tmp
   Creating library .\Release_VC13\tclsqlite3.lib and object .\Release_VC13\tclsqlite3.exp
tclsqlite3.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _Tcl_InitStubs referenced in function _Sqlite3_Init
tclsqlite3.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _tclStubsPtr referenced in function _incrblobClose
.\Release_VC13\tclsqlite3.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals

I have no idea what to do about the missing symbols.

(2) By Andreas Kupries (andreas-kupries) on 2020-09-20 04:34:13 in reply to 1

Hi Gerry.

The missing symbols look to be something which should be
provided by Tcl's stubs library, i.e. libtclstub.a or
whatever the equivalent name under Windows(tm).

I suspect that whatever Makefile you use is not supplying
this library to the link step, or supplying it incorrectly.

As I am not firm (anymore) with regard building on Windows,
I would recommend/propose to ask the question on the
tcl-core mailing list, and then feed any corrections you get
back to Richard so that he can update the Makefile in question.

IIRC Jan Nijtmans is doing Windows-builds, and listening on
Tcl-core. Other names I remember as associated with Tcl on
Windows are Harald Oehlmann and Francois Vogel, also on that

Hopefully this helps.

(3) By Gerry Snyder (GSnyder) on 2020-09-20 17:41:22 in reply to 2 [link]

Thank you for your response.

apn found what I was doing wrong. I needed to run vcvars64.bat and then do the nmake in the same command window. Without that I was doing a 32-bit compile using a 64-bit Tcl.

I am a happy camper now.
