SQLite Forum

3.31.1: docs as PDF?

The documentation is generated by a [TCL][1] script that is held in a
[separate repository][2].  The only output format supported is HTML.

The [documentation repository][2] contains much of the documentation source
text.  But the build script also scans the SQLite source code and extracts
a lot of the documentation from comments in the source code.  The documentation
source repository, like the SQLite source code itself, is open-source.  You
can clone the documentation repository and rebuild the documentation yourself,
if you want.

There are [several books][3] about SQLite if you prefer printed documentation.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tcl
[2]: https://www.sqlite.org/docsrc/doc/trunk/README.md
[3]: https://www.sqlite.org/books.html