SQLite Forum

How to avoid 'row X missing from index' when using a custom collation?
My app is used in France, and so we are using accents in French. My users want to be able to order a list of names without using the accents or the case, so that this list of users:

Mederic B
Méderic A
MÉdÉric C

is sorted like that:

Méderic A
Mederic B
MÉdÉric C

and when you are searching for `mederic` it will return all of the 3 entries.

My first solution was to use a custom function, eg. `transliterate_to_ascii`:

SELECT * FROM names WHERE transliterate_to_ascii(name) LIKE transliterate_to_ascii('%médéric%') ORDER BY transliterate_to_ascii(name);

But obviously this doesn't scale very well as that function would be called a lot, as I can't use indexes.

So my second solution was to use a custom collation.

But because my users must be able to download the database and explore it with any third-party SQLite tool, I couldn't use a custom-named collation, eg. `french_unicode`, and I used the "trick" of overriding the default `NOCASE` collation:

$db->createCollation('NOCASE', 'unicode_collation');

So now I can create indexes:

CREATE INDEX names_name ON names (names COLLATE NOCASE);

All went fine: I can give users of my app the ability to search regardless of accents and case, and I can have indexes so performance is good, and they can also use the database with third-party tools.

But when I'm doing a `PRAGMA integrity_check;` from any third-party app, I get error messages:

row 4 missing from index names_name
row 6 missing from index names_name
row 7 missing from index names_name

and so on. This does not happen when using my own app with the correct collation.

Not sure why this is happening, but most importantly is there a better way to do  a "portable" database using custom collations that also handles indexes?
