SQLite Forum

shell's .load is pathSep picky (bug, now fixed)
I almost added that a good optimizer would eliminate the 0=='\\\\' test, but decided that is irrelevant to this thread. However, out of curiosity about the MSVC v19 code generator given optimization flags, I looked at assembler output for both the bc3bf7c6 check-in and the proposed replacement.  Here are the results, lightly annotated in comments:

; Original code:
; Line 123565
	lea	r10d, DWORD PTR [rbx-1]
	mov	QWORD PTR [rax], rcx
	mov	ecx, ebx
	sub	rcx, 1
	js	SHORT $LN205@sqlite3Loa
	cmp	BYTE PTR [rcx+rsi], 47			; '/'
	je	SHORT $LN205@sqlite3Loa
	dec	r10d
	sub	rcx, 1
	jns	SHORT $LL7@sqlite3Loa

; Revised code:
; Line 123567
	lea	r10d, DWORD PTR [rbx-1]
	mov	QWORD PTR [rax], rcx
	mov	ecx, ebx
	sub	rcx, 1
	js	SHORT $LN203@sqlite3Loa
	npad	7
	movzx	eax, BYTE PTR [rcx+rsi]
	cmp	al, 47					; '/'
	je	SHORT $LN203@sqlite3Loa
	cmp	al, 92					; '\\'
	je	SHORT $LN203@sqlite3Loa
	dec	r10d
	sub	rcx, 1
	jns	SHORT $LL7@sqlite3Loa


As can be seen in the 'cmp al, ?' instructions, the 2nd test is optimized out when it could not succeed. The optimizer recognized this, not via constant expression analysis but by analyzing the possible values of c when the 2nd test was reached.

As can also be seen, the possibly performant conversion of code that might be written:


into something that avoids an indexing operation:


is not needed with this particular optimizing compiler. I dare say that recognizing common subexpressions such as 'zFile[iFile]' is an easier and more common optimizer feature than the one demonstrated in the above assembler output.

Of course, this code runs after a DLL has been loaded, after some file reads and many thousands of instructions run to (dynamically) link it, so the possible elimination of a load instruction is like a sneeze in a hurricane.