SQLite Forum

Bug: FTS5 Unicode61 Tokenizer doesn't recognize "ł" and "Ł" characters (Polish language)
The results are correct.

The expression `loc_town REGEXP '[A-ZŁa-zł]'` will return *true* for any value of `loc_town` which contains the specified character in any position within it.

The expression `loc_town REGEXP '([A-ZŁ][a-zł])\w+'` will return *true* for any value of `loc_town` which contains the specified characters followed by one or more words.

The appropriate REGEXP pattern to match (return *true*) for strings composed exclusively of [A-ZŁa-zł] characters and spaces (and is at least 1 character long) would be '^[A-ZŁa-zł ]+$'.

^ means *start of field* and $ means *end of field*