SQLite Forum

Double section number

Double section number

(1) By anonymous on 2021-10-05 17:40:35 [link]

This prevents having the section number twice, see [here](https://sqlite.org/atomiccommit.html#10_0_future_directions_and_conclusion).

By the way is [hdom.tcl](https://sqlite.org/docsrc/file/search/hdom.tcl) in the public domain like the rest of SQLite?

Index: pages/atomiccommit.in
--- pages/atomiccommit.in
+++ pages/atomiccommit.in
@@ -1327,11 +1327,11 @@
 modern journalling filesystems are immune, we believe) then you might
 want to consider putting each SQLite database file in its own private
 <tcl>hd_fragment future</tcl>
-<h1>10.0 Future Directions And Conclusion</h1>
+<h1> Future Directions And Conclusion</h1>
 <p>Every now and then someone discovers a new failure mode for
 the atomic commit mechanism in SQLite and the developers have to
 put in a patch.  This is happening less and less and the
 failure modes are becoming more and more obscure.  But it would


(2) By Larry Brasfield (larrybr) on 2021-10-05 17:52:30 in reply to 1

Thanks for the tip. Fixed on doc trunk.