SQLite Forum

V3.35.0 Math Functions with Pre-Compiled Binaries
Thanks for the hints Larry.

My problem is that when it comes to C/C++, my handicap is that I know next to nothing about it and even less about how Visual Studio 2019 deals with projects & configuration in that language. So long as precompiled binaries provide the functionality I seek, I am (naively) happy to defer the learning curve indefinitely, not least because the precompiled binaries provide a uniform/standard reference context especially when raising issues in this forum.

I tried to enumerate the new functions in 3.35.1; in the table below, a * in the final column named <i>Newin3_35</i> in the table below indicates the new functions. 

[This document](https://www.sqlite.org/draft/lang_mathfunc.html) makes no mention of the geopoly* functions which (all but one) appear to be new. <i>Have I missed something, here?</i>

name                     ||builtin||type||enc ||narg||flags  ||Newin3_35
abs                      ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
acos                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
acosh                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
asin                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
asinh                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
atan                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
atan2                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||*
atanh                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
avg                      ||1      ||w   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
bm25                     ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||0      ||
ceil                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
ceiling                  ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
changes                  ||1      ||s   ||utf8||0   ||2097152||
char                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
coalesce                 ||1      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
cos                      ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
cosh                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
count                    ||1      ||w   ||utf8||0   ||2097152||
count                    ||1      ||w   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
cume_dist                ||1      ||w   ||utf8||0   ||2097152||
current_date             ||1      ||s   ||utf8||0   ||2097152||
current_time             ||1      ||s   ||utf8||0   ||2097152||
current_timestamp        ||1      ||s   ||utf8||0   ||2097152||
date                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
datetime                 ||1      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
decimal                  ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
decimal_add              ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
decimal_cmp              ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
decimal_mul              ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
decimal_sub              ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
decimal_sum              ||0      ||w   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
degrees                  ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
dense_rank               ||1      ||w   ||utf8||0   ||2097152||
edit                     ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||0      ||
edit                     ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||0      ||
exp                      ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
first_value              ||1      ||w   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
floor                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
fts3_tokenizer           ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||524288 ||
fts3_tokenizer           ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||524288 ||
fts5                     ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||0      ||
fts5_decode              ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||0      ||
fts5_decode_none         ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||0      ||
fts5_expr                ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||0      ||
fts5_expr_tcl            ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||0      ||
fts5_fold                ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||0      ||
fts5_isalnum             ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||0      ||
fts5_rowid               ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||0      ||
fts5_source_id           ||0      ||s   ||utf8||0   ||0      ||
geopoly_area             ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
geopoly_bbox             ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
geopoly_blob             ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
geopoly_ccw              ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
geopoly_contains_point   ||0      ||s   ||utf8||3   ||2099200||*
geopoly_debug            ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||524288 ||*
geopoly_group_bbox       ||0      ||a   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
geopoly_json             ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
geopoly_overlap          ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||*
geopoly_regular          ||0      ||s   ||utf8||4   ||2099200||*
geopoly_svg              ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||*
geopoly_within           ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||*
geopoly_xform            ||0      ||s   ||utf8||7   ||2099200||*
glob                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
group_concat             ||1      ||w   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
group_concat             ||1      ||w   ||utf8||2   ||2097152||
hex                      ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
highlight                ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||0      ||
ieee754                  ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
ieee754                  ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2097152||
ieee754_exponent         ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
ieee754_from_blob        ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
ieee754_mantissa         ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
ieee754_to_blob          ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
ifnull                   ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
iif                      ||1      ||s   ||utf8||3   ||2099200||
instr                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
json                     ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
json_array               ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
json_array_length        ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
json_array_length        ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
json_extract             ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
json_group_array         ||0      ||w   ||utf8||1   ||3147776||
json_group_object        ||0      ||w   ||utf8||2   ||3147776||
json_insert              ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
json_object              ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
json_patch               ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
json_quote               ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
json_remove              ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
json_replace             ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
json_set                 ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
json_type                ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
json_type                ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
json_valid               ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
julianday                ||1      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
lag                      ||1      ||w   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
lag                      ||1      ||w   ||utf8||2   ||2097152||
lag                      ||1      ||w   ||utf8||3   ||2097152||
last_insert_rowid        ||1      ||s   ||utf8||0   ||2097152||
last_value               ||1      ||w   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
lead                     ||1      ||w   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
lead                     ||1      ||w   ||utf8||2   ||2097152||
lead                     ||1      ||w   ||utf8||3   ||2097152||
length                   ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
like                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
like                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||3   ||2099200||
likelihood               ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
likely                   ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
ln                       ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
load_extension           ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||524288 ||
load_extension           ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||524288 ||
log                      ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
log                      ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||*
log10                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
log2                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
lower                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
lsmode                   ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||0      ||
ltrim                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
ltrim                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
match                    ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||0      ||
matchinfo                ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||0      ||
matchinfo                ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||0      ||
max                      ||1      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
max                      ||1      ||w   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
min                      ||1      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
min                      ||1      ||w   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
mod                      ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||*
nth_value                ||1      ||w   ||utf8||2   ||2097152||
ntile                    ||1      ||w   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
nullif                   ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
offsets                  ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||0      ||
optimize                 ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||0      ||
percent_rank             ||1      ||w   ||utf8||0   ||2097152||
pi                       ||1      ||s   ||utf8||0   ||2099200||*
pow                      ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||*
power                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||*
printf                   ||1      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
quote                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
radians                  ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
random                   ||1      ||s   ||utf8||0   ||2097152||
randomblob               ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
rank                     ||1      ||w   ||utf8||0   ||2097152||
readfile                 ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||524288 ||
replace                  ||1      ||s   ||utf8||3   ||2099200||
round                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
round                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
row_number               ||1      ||w   ||utf8||0   ||2097152||
rtreecheck               ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||0      ||
rtreedepth               ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||0      ||
rtreenode                ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||0      ||
rtrim                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
rtrim                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
sha3                     ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
sha3                     ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
sha3_query               ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||524288 ||
sha3_query               ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||524288 ||
shell_add_schema         ||0      ||s   ||utf8||3   ||0      ||
shell_escape_crnl        ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||0      ||
shell_idquote            ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||0      ||
shell_int32              ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||0      ||
shell_module_schema      ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||0      ||
shell_putsnl             ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||0      ||
sign                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
sin                      ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
sinh                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
snippet                  ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||0      ||
sqlar_compress           ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
sqlar_uncompress         ||0      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2097152||
sqlite_compileoption_get ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
sqlite_compileoption_used||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
sqlite_log               ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
sqlite_offset            ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
sqlite_source_id         ||1      ||s   ||utf8||0   ||2097152||
sqlite_version           ||1      ||s   ||utf8||0   ||2097152||
sqrt                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
strftime                 ||1      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
substr                   ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
substr                   ||1      ||s   ||utf8||3   ||2099200||
substring                ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
substring                ||1      ||s   ||utf8||3   ||2099200||
sum                      ||1      ||w   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
tan                      ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
tanh                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
time                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
total                    ||1      ||w   ||utf8||1   ||2097152||
total_changes            ||1      ||s   ||utf8||0   ||2097152||
trim                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
trim                     ||1      ||s   ||utf8||2   ||2099200||
trunc                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||*
typeof                   ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
unicode                  ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
unknown                  ||1      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||2099200||
unlikely                 ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
upper                    ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
usleep                   ||0      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||0      ||
writefile                ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||524288 ||
zeroblob                 ||1      ||s   ||utf8||1   ||2099200||
zipfile                  ||0      ||a   ||utf8||-1  ||0      ||
zipfile_cds              ||0      ||s   ||utf8||-1  ||0      ||