SQLite Forum

How to insert duplicate rows?
I have a simple table without specifying primary key or unique key. I noticed that I was not able to insert duplicate records. Is there a way to insert duplicate row? I heard about the rowid may do the tricks for me but Im not sure how to use it.

"CREATE TABLE Waypoints("    \
               "id TEXT, "    \
               "type INT, "    \
               "xcoord REAL, "    \
               "ycoord REAL, "    \
               "ref_yaw REAL, "     \
               "ref_cur REAL, "
               "lane_width REAL, "    \
               "is_stop INT, "    \
               "is_junct INT, "    \
               "is_carpark INT, "    \
               "is_zebra_crossing INT, "    \
               "is_round_about INT, "    \
               "is_traffic_light INT, "    \
               "is_traffic_sign INT, "    \
               "behavior TEXT, "      \
               "lane_id TEXT);";