SQLite Forum

index misuse?
Thanks for your explaintion! I understand why function `whereScanNext` also return the term `"Y <op> <expr>"`.
But, if I force the query planner(by modifying source code) to choose that weird whereloop(using index t1_c0 for constrains t1.c1==t0.c0). It generates incorrect BYTECODE. It first uses the value of t0.c0 as key to search t1.c0 through index t1_c0, then it judge t1.c0 == t0.c0 again. The query result is also incorrect. I think it needs judge "t1.c0 == t1.c1" after index searching.
The query plan and incorrect BYTECODE are shown below.

`--SEARCH TABLE t1 USING INDEX t1_c0 (c0=?)

addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment      
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Init           0     25    0                    0   Start at 25
1     OpenRead       0     2     1     1              0   root=2 iDb=1; t0
2     OpenRead       1     3     1     2              0   root=3 iDb=1; t1
3     OpenRead       2     4     1     k(2,,)         2   root=4 iDb=1; t1_c0
4     Explain        4     0     0     SCAN TABLE t0  0   
5     Rewind         0     24    0                    0   
6       Explain        6     0     0     SEARCH TABLE t1 USING INDEX t1_c0 (c0=?)  0   
7       Column         0     0     1                    0   r[1]=t0.c0
8       IsNull         1     23    0                    0   if r[1]==NULL goto 23
9       Affinity       1     1     0     C              0   affinity(r[1])
10      SeekGE         2     23    1     1              0   key=r[1]
11        IdxGT          2     23    1     1              0   key=r[1]
12        DeferredSeek   2     0     1                    0   Move 1 to 2.rowid if needed
13        Column         2     0     2                    0   r[2]=t1.c0
14        Column         0     0     3                    0   r[3]=t0.c0
15        Ne             3     22    2     BINARY-8       83  if r[2]!=r[3] goto 22
16        ReleaseReg     2     1     0                    0   release r[2] mask 0
17        ReleaseReg     3     1     0                    0   release r[3] mask 0
18        Column         0     0     4                    0   r[4]=t0.c0
19        Column         2     0     5                    0   r[5]=t1.c0
20        Column         1     1     6                    0   r[6]=t1.c1
21        ResultRow      4     3     0                    0   output=r[4..6]
22      Next           2     11    1                    0   
23    Next           0     6     0                    1   
24    Halt           0     0     0                    0   
25    Transaction    1     0     3     0              1   usesStmtJournal=0
26    Goto           0     1     0                    0   