SQLite Forum

Proposed JSON enhancements.
AFAIK, the most important difference between those two arrows in PG (counting the fact that SQLite don't know about JSONB) is that **`->`** returns double quoted string, while **`->>`** returns plain unquoted string, that might be useful when using returned result of query in some languages or when one generating dynamically some scripts.

The first case that come to mind is Microsoft's **`cmd`** that treats double quotes differently, in **echo** statement it will print double quotes, but on assignment **cmd** eats it as a full string, for example, if one would need to set up variable that containing some special characters, like

SET "var=Bob & Anna"

then assignment must be double quoted

Another example is unix's shell:


a='"a b

b='a b

eval echo "$a"
echo -------
eval echo "$b"


where variable **a** will be displayed and **`eval echo "$b"`** will choke and throw an error.