SQLite Forum

> That's roughly sufficient for universe-scale problems at the precision of dust motes.

It's Friday here, so let's have a bit of fun. Given:

* a limit on the size of the visible universe approximately 100 billion light years in diameter
* household dust size approximately in the range of 1 to 100 µm [[Source]][1]
* 34 decimal digits in the significand for Decimal128 [[Source]][2]

Then: At approximately 10 trillion kilometers to the light-year, 100 × 10<sup>12</sup> ly ≅ 10<sup>27</sup> km ≅ 10<sup>30</sup> m ≅ 10<sup>36</sup> µm.

Therefore, we can precisely localize large (100 µm) dust particles at this scale.

Oh, and having done all of this, we still have a −6143 to +6144 power-of-10 scaling constant in addition to all of this, so a quick estimate says we could instead accurately describe the position of oxygen atoms at the scale of a galaxy, or the position of individual quarks at the scale of [the cosmic neighborhood][3].

Now please explain again why you need Decimal128? 😜

[1]: https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/particle-sizes-d_934.html
[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal128_floating-point_format
[3]: http://www.solstation.com/stars/s10ly.htm