SQLite Forum

Building SQLIte3 wiuth debug options fails on UBUNTU
Dear forum member,

I a script to build a debug option of SQLITE3 so I can use .selecttrace and .wheretrace.

The result is:
 .selecttrace will result in a segment fault when I use Linux Mint.
  UBUNTU will NOT compile a DEBUG version and .selecttrace or .whjeretrace WILL NOT WORK.

P.S. is there a method to reset my password to allow me to login???

Here is the script with all the options I am using. Feel free to modify it so other users can build a custom SQLite3 version.
#! /bin/bash
usage="Usage : '$0 ' [-hbd]"

if [[ $1 =~ (-[bdh]) ]]; then
        echo "--------------"
        echo "Not a valid option is given!"
        echo $Usage
        exit 1

while getopts "bdh" opt; do
  case ${opt} in
    h )
        echo $usage
        echo "Options:"
        echo "    -b            Compile without debug options"
        echo "    -d            Compile with debug options"
        echo "    -h            This menu for help"
        exit 0
    b )
        echo "Building SQLite3 without debug options"
        export CFLAGS="-fPIC \
                -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3  \
                -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS4 \
                -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5 \
                -DSQLITE_ENABLE_JSON1 \
                -DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE \
                -DSQLITE_ENABLE_STAT4 \
                -DSQLITE_TEMP_STORE3 \
                -DSQLITE_USE_URI \
                -O2 "
    d )
        echo "Bulding SQLite3 with debug options"
        export SQLITE3_CFLAGS="-fPIC \
                -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3 \
                -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS4 \
                -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5 \
                -DSQLITE_ENABLE_JSON1 \
                -DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE \
                -DSQLITE_ENABLE_STAT4 \
                -DSQLITE_TEMP_STORE3 \
                -DSQLITE_USE_URI \
                -DSQLITE_DEBUG \
    * )
        echo "Invalid Option: -$OPTARG" 
        echo $usage >&2
        exit 1

LIBS="-lm" ./configure --enable-shared --prefix="$PREFIX"


sudo make install