SQLite Forum

a css to improve readability of this forum
**Update:** I bought [Cascadea](https://cascadea.app) and installed it, and it works perfectly. Worth all of three bucks it cost me. Recommended if you are a Safari user like me.

Hi everyone,

I have cleaned up the CSS I am using and also added instructions. Both are available at [https://gist.github.com/punkish/309666d1a001061a521048869edc73cd](https://gist.github.com/punkish/309666d1a001061a521048869edc73cd)

The instructions are for Firefox (at this time) because it has a free extension that allows adding site-specific CSS. Personally I am a Safari user, and I've found [Cascadea](https://cascadea.app) that claims to do the same thing. I haven't tried it yet, but will soon. In the meantime, I can attest that the above instructions work very well for Firefox. And, I am sure there must be something similar possible with Chrome.

Hope this is useful (for some of you).