SQLite Forum

Anonymous posting should be disabled on SQLite Forum
> It's not your name that is important to me, but distinguishing which posts
> all were by the entity that I'm reading now.

Providing pseudonymous identifiers to users without requiring them to sign in 
could be achieved by calculating [HMAC] of their IP address combined with their 
`User-Agent` or some other headers. As long as the hash function is strong and 
the secret is kept secret it should be practically impossible to reverse the 
salted hash values back to plaintext input. The "identifier" could be made even 
shorter (and impossible to reverse) by truncating (or XOR-combining) the HMAC 
value to a shorter length.

Though I would understand it if you wouldn't like this solution: the "identifier" 
is both hard to understand (just a bunch of bytes) and too easy to change, even

[HMAC]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAC