SQLite Forum

json_extract behavior with escaped-double-quote keys
Hello! I encountered the following issue when using `json_extract` with escape-double-quote keys.

select json_extract('{ "a": 1, "\"b\"": 2 }', '$.a');
=> 1

select json_extract('{ "a": 1, "\"b\"": 2 }', '$."a"');
=> 1

select json_extract('{ "a": 1, "\"b\"": 2 }', '$.\"b\"');
=> 2

select json_extract('{ "a": 1, "\"b\"": 2 }', '$."\"b\""');
(no result)

As you can see, `json_extract` supports referencing a key by both `a` and `"a"`, which is to say with or without the quotes around the key.

However, it does not support both `\"b\"` and `"\"b\""`, which I would expect given the behavior for `a` mentioned above.

Is this a bug, or is this expected? In my case I just made sure to not wrap the keys with double quotes when building my queries. I noticed that this double-quote-wrapping support is not mentioned in the [documentation](https://www.sqlite.org/json1.html), so in either case it looks like I strayed from the course a bit :).
