SQLite Forum

Native support for pluggable backends in SQLite
phpstatic wrote on 2020-11-19 02:52:45:

> I already run this:
> perl -MCPAN -e shell
> install Git::Repository

This suggests that any program that says "Use Git;" at the top will fail, so there appears to be something wrong with your Perl setup. 

Did you perhaps choose to use CPAN directly, where your operating system has its own Perl package management? For example...

* On Debian/Ubuntu: **apt install libgit-wrapper-perl**
* On Centos/Red Hat: **yum install perl-Git**

(coming to *not-forking* soon is better dependency checking for things like Git and the Git Perl modules at runtime not build/install time. But that isn't going to fix your problem, only perhaps detect it better. Although Fossil support is also coming, and that might fix all your Git-related problems :-)

Dan Shearer