SQLite Forum

Main Topic and Non Main Topics (Was: Topic and subtopic)
I made a mess of it. :'-(
I explained it better in the post with id 10.

I want to use a table to define topics and subtopics.
In the records I will use a (NOT NULL) field topicID that points to the correct main topic.
I want to use a link table to link the subtopics to a record.
But it should not be possible to link the topic as a subtopic.
Can this be done in an elegant way?

When I have in topic table:
1 Work
2 Familie
3 Friend
4 Hobbies

When a record with id 17 has as topicID 1 then in the link table the following would be acceptable:
17 2
17 4

But what should not be acceptable is:
17 1

How can this best be done?