SQLite Forum

FYI: CG/SQL test coverage of SQLite

FYI: CG/SQL test coverage of SQLite

(1) By Rico Mariani (rmariani) on 2021-08-31 00:18:43

File            Line Coverage           Branch Coverage
sqlite3-1.c	50.2 %	1282 / 2554	37.3 %	 597 / 1600
sqlite3-2.c	23.9 %	1132 / 4743	15.2 %	 472 / 3108
sqlite3-3.c	42.4 %	4122 / 9717	30.0 %	1803 / 6016
sqlite3-4.c	31.9 %	3037 / 9533	23.9 %	1600 / 6703
sqlite3-5.c	34.4 %	3253 / 9447	25.8 %	1617 / 6264
sqlite3-6.c	30.8 %	 384 / 1245	21.4 %	 152 / 711

The tests for the CQL compiler are by no means intended to cover all of SQLite but as it happens they cover quite a bit incidentally.

If there is any interest in snapshotting a version of this I'd be happy to provide something standalone.

This suite takes only a few seconds to run and not much longer to build