# This script processes raw documentation source text into a near-final HTML
# form for display by browsers. The processing actions are described below.
# Invoke this command as follows:
set usage \
{ ./tclsh.docsrc wrap.tcl [mode pg_fname] $(DOC) $(SRC) $(DEST) <SOURCES>}
# where <SOURCES> is the remaining arguments naming input files,
# typically $(DOC)/pages/*.in expanded to a long list.
# When {mode pg_fname} is absent, a full scan and transformation of all
# named input files is done. This is appropriate for published builds.
# When mode eq "-update", only those input files which differ from
# their state after the previous build are scanned and transformed,
# and their names are left, one per line, in a file named by pg_fname.
# This is appropriate for doc development, prior to publishing results.
# The results have been tested for exact match to full build results.
# However, due to potential interactions between sources with embedded
# Tcl, this testing does not yet assure publication-ready results.
# Further, incremental builds do not leave behind the data used for
# the (traceability) matrix and evidence make targets.
# The $(DOC) and $(SRC) values are the names of directories containing
# the documentation source and program source. $(DEST) is the name of
# of the directory where generated HTML is written. <SOURCES> is a set
# of input files, source{1..N}.in, to be scanned and transformed, as
# necessary, into a set of output files, $(DEST)/source{1..N}.html .
# Changes made to the source files:
# * An appropriate header (containing the SQLite logo and standard
# menu bar) is prepended to the file.
# * Any <title>...</title> in the input is moved into the prepended
# header.
# * An appropriate footer is appended.
# * Scripts within <tcl>...</tcl> are evaluated. Output that
# is emitted from these scripts by "hd_puts" or "hd_resolve"
# procedures appears in place of the original script.
# * Hyperlinks within [...] are resolved.
# A two-pass algorithm is used. The first full pass collects the names
# of hyperlink targets, requirements text, and other global information.
# The second pass uses the data gathered on the first pass to generate
# the final output.
# Full builds are suitable for both creating HTML and extracting data
# related to requirements and evidence of their testing.
# Incremental builds are also suitable for creating (revised) HTML, but
# do not leave data behind to be used for requirements and evidence.
# For purposes of debugging or statistics collection, certain environment
# variables can be set to influence creation of auxiliary output files
# and informative console output. These are:
# DOC_BUILD_STATS : If set to an integer, induces more console messages.
# DOC_BUILD_LINKLOG : If set, names DB where link defs and uses are logged.
# DOC_BUILD_TEMPDB : If set, names DB used for staging (default :memory:)
# DOC_BUILD_TOUCHES : If set, lists input files which will be treated as
# having been changed during incremental builds, even when unchanged.
# See what type of doc build this is, full or incremental.
set ::updating 0
if {$argc < 2} {
puts stderr $usage
exit 1
} elseif {[lindex $argv 0] eq "-update"} {
set ::updating 1
set ::pgfd [open [lindex $argv 1] w]
incr argc -2
set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]
if {$argc < 2} {
puts stderr $usage
exit 1
set ::DOC [lindex $argv 0]
set SRC [lindex $argv 1]
set DEST [lindex $argv 2]
set HOMEDIR [pwd] ;# Also remember our home directory.
# If a certain env-var is set, emit some diagnostics
if {[info exists ::env(DOC_BUILD_STATS)]} {
set ::doc_build_stats $::env(DOC_BUILD_STATS)
} else { set ::doc_build_stats 0 }
source [file dirname [info script]]/pages/fancyformat.tcl
source [file dirname [info script]]/document_header.tcl
source [file dirname [info script]]/pages/chronology.tcl
source [file dirname [info script]]/common_links.tcl
source [file dirname [info script]]/inc_update.tcl
# Some globals to help track where links originate, for incremental builds.
set ::currentInfile ""
set ::currentInfid 0
# Record errors for reporting after input files are processed.
# They are accumulated per input file for easier diagnosis.
array set ::accumulatedErrors {}
set ::errorCountTotal 0
# Record an error against ::currentInfile and return it
# (possibly for immediate output.)
proc record_error { errSay } {
incr ::errorCountTotal
if {![info exists ::accumulatedErrors($::currentInfile)]} {
set yaps [list]
} else {
set yaps $::accumulatedErrors($::currentInfile)
lappend yaps $errSay
set ::accumulatedErrors($::currentInfile) $yaps
return "ERROR: $errSay"
# Put accumulated errors to a stream. Done near exit time for visibility.
proc dump_errors { ostrm } {
foreach {infile} [lsort [array names ::accumulatedErrors]] {
set errCount [llength $::accumulatedErrors($infile)]
puts $ostrm "ERRORS from $infile ($errCount):"
foreach {errMsg} $::accumulatedErrors($infile) {
puts $ostrm " $errMsg"
# Open the SQLite database.
sqlite3 db [file join $::DOC docinfo.db]
db eval "ATTACH '[file join $::DOC history.db]' AS history"
# All builds start with certain tables empty and populate them.
# Incremental builds also empty the tables upon completion to
# avoid problems from their content likely being incomplete due
# to that build process not being designed to update the tables.
proc clear_db_partial {db} {
$db eval {
DELETE FROM keyword;
DELETE FROM fragment;
DELETE FROM alttitle;
clear_db_partial db
# For full build, clear tables supporting incremental build.
if {!$::updating} { full_build_clear db }
# Setup transient tables for link/ref tracking in any case.
temp_links_setup db
# Load the syntax diagram linkage data
source $::DOC/art/syntax/syntax_linkage.tcl
# Gather hyperlink of 1 of 4 kinds. All link collection funnels through here.
proc gather_link {tag target kind {cfid 0}} {
if {$cfid == 0} { set cfid $::currentInfid }
if {$cfid != 0 && $::scan_pass < 3} {
# Only record links set during pages/*.in scan and process.
note_link db $tag $target $kind $cfid
switch $kind {
GLOBAL { set ::glink($tag) $target }
LOCAL { set ::llink($tag) $target }
BACK { lappend ::backlink($tag) $target }
PAGE { lappend ::pagelink($tag) $target }
if {$::doc_build_stats > 0} { incr ::gather_stats("$::scan_pass|$kind") }
# Collect a global link reference, recording what source it comes from.
# These must be known to be satisfied during an incremental doc build
# when they are from an uptodate file and defined in an outdated file.
proc glref_add {t} {
if {$::scan_pass > 2} return
note_link db $t 0 GLREF $::currentInfid
# Return text of an <img...> that will load a syntax diagram
proc hd_syntax_diagram {path} {
set name [file tail $path]
set src $path.svg
set in [open $::DOC/art/syntax/$name.pikchr rb]
set txt [read $in]
close $in
set svg [pikchr $txt]
set width [lindex $svg 1]
if {$width<=0} {
puts stderr [record_error "translating $::DOC/art/syntax/$name.pikchr"]
return "<pre>[lindex $svg 0]</pre>\n"
set style "style=\"max-width:${width}px\""
return "<div $style>[lindex $svg 0]</div>"
# Utility proc that removes excess leading and trailing whitespace.
proc hd_trim {txt} {
regsub -all {\n\s+} $txt "\n" txt
regsub -all {\s+\n} $txt "\n" txt
return [string trim $txt]
# Create and initialize the associative link arrays.
# For a complete docs build, these are empty until page processing.
# For an incremental docs rebuild, they are pre-populated from the
# key-value pairs gathered during previous builds for non-stale input.
array set ::glink {} ;# global links -- Used by name in *.in Tcl content
array set ::llink {} ;# local links
array set ::backlink {} ;# backlinks -- Used by name in *.in Tcl content
array set ::pagelink {} ;# pagelinks
# This is the first-pass implementation of procedure that renders
# hyperlinks. Do not even bother trying to do anything during the
# first pass. We have to collect keyword information before the
# hyperlinks are meaningful.
proc hd_resolve {text} {
hd_puts $text
# This is the second-pass implementation of the procedure that
# renders hyperlinks. Convert all hyperlinks in $text into
# appropriate <a href=""> markup.
# Links to keywords within the same main file are resolved using
# $::llink() if possible. All other links and links that could
# not be resolved using $::llink() are resolved using $::glink().
proc hd_resolve_2ndpass {text} {
while {[regexp {<pikchr>(.*?)</pikchr>} $text all srctxt]} {
set svg [pikchr $srctxt]
set w [lindex $svg 1]
if {$w>0} {
set rep "<div style=\"max-width:${w}px;\">[lindex $svg 0]</div>"
} else {
puts stderr [record_error \
"Pikchr translation error in $::infile\n[lindex $svg 0]\
Original input:\n$srctxt\n"]
regsub {<pikchr>.*?</pikchr>} $text $rep text
regsub -all {<(yy(non)?term)>} $text {<span class='\1'>} text
regsub -all {</yy(non)?term>} $text {</span>} text
regsub -all {\[(.*?)\]} $text \
"\175; hd_resolve_one \173\\1\175; hd_puts \173" text
eval "hd_puts \173$text\175"
proc hd_resolve_one {x} {
if {[string is integer $x] || [string length $x]==1} {
hd_puts \[$x\]
if {[string match {dateof:3.*} $x]} {
set x [string range $x 7 end]
if {[info exists ::dateofversion($x)]} {
hd_puts $::dateofversion($x)
} else {
puts stderr [record_error "*** unresolved date: '\[dateof:$x\]' ***"]
hd_puts "<font color='red'>0000-00-00</font>"
set x2 [split $x |]
set kw [string trim [lindex $x2 0]]
if {[llength $x2]==1} {
set content $kw
regsub {\([^)]*\)} $content {} kw
if {![regexp {^http} $kw]} {regsub {=.*} $kw {} kw}
} else {
set content [string trim [lindex $x2 1]]
if {![regexp {^https?:} $kw]} {
regsub -all {[^a-zA-Z0-9_.#/ -]} $kw {} kw
global hd
if {$hd(enable-main)} {
set fn $hd(fn-main)
if {[regexp {^https?:} $kw]} {
puts -nonewline $hd(main) \
"<a href=\"$kw\">$content</a>"
} elseif {[regexp {^[Tt]icket #(\d+)$} $kw all tktid]} {
set url http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=$tktid
puts -nonewline $hd(main) \
"<a href=\"$url\">$content</a>"
} elseif {[info exists ::llink($fn:$kw)]} {
puts -nonewline $hd(main) \
"<a href=\"$hd(rootpath-main)$::llink($fn:$kw)\">$content</a>"
} elseif {[info exists ::glink($kw)]} {
puts -nonewline $hd(main) \
"<a href=\"$hd(rootpath-main)$::glink($kw)\">$content</a>"
glref_add $kw
} else {
puts stderr [record_error "unknown hyperlink target: $kw"]
puts -nonewline $hd(main) "<font color=\"red\">$content</font>"
if {$hd(fragment)!=""} {
backlink_add $kw $fn#$hd(fragment)
} else {
backlink_add $kw $fn
if {$hd(enable-aux)} {
if {[regexp {^https?:} $kw]} {
puts -nonewline $hd(aux) \
"<a href=\"$kw\">$content</a>"
} elseif {[regexp {^[Tt]icket #(\d+)$} $kw all tktid]} {
set url http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=$tktid
puts -nonewline $hd(aux) \
"<a href=\"$url\">$content</a>"
} elseif {[info exists ::glink($kw)]} {
puts -nonewline $hd(aux) \
"<a href=\"$hd(rootpath-aux)$::glink($kw)\">$content</a>"
glref_add $kw
} else {
puts stderr [record_error "unknown hyperlink target: $kw"]
puts -nonewline $hd(aux) "<font color=\"red\">$content</font>"
if {$hd(aux-fragment)!=""} {
backlink_add $kw $hd(fn-aux)#$hd(aux-fragment)
} else {
backlink_add $kw $hd(fn-aux)
# Convert the keyword $kw into an appropriate relative URI
# This is a helper routine to hd_list_of_links
proc hd_keyword_to_uri {kw} {
global hd
if {[string match {*.html} $kw]} {return $kw}
if {$hd(enable-main)} {
set fn $hd(fn-main)
set res ""
if {[info exists ::llink($fn:$kw)]} {
set res "$hd(rootpath-main)$::llink($fn:$kw)"
} elseif {[info exists ::glink($kw)]} {
set res "$hd(rootpath-main)$::glink($kw)"
glref_add $kw
if {$res!=""} {
if {$hd(fragment)!=""} {
backlink_add $kw $fn#$hd(fragment)
} else {
backlink_add $kw $fn
return $res
if {$hd(enable-aux)} {
if {[info exists ::glink($kw)]} {
if {$hd(aux-fragment)!=""} {
backlink_add $kw $hd(fn-aux)#$hd(aux-fragment)
} else {
backlink_add $kw $hd(fn-aux)
glref_add $kw
return $hd(rootpath-aux)$::glink($kw)
return ""
# Output HTML/JS that displays the list $lx in multiple columns
# under the assumption that each column is $w pixels wide. The
# number of columns automatically adjusts to fill the available
# screen width.
# If $title is not an empty string, then it is used as a title for
# the list of links
# $lx is a list of triples. Each triple is {KEYWORD LABEL S}. The
# S determines a suffix added to each list element:
# 0: Add nothing (the default and common case)
# 1: Add the "(exp)" suffix
# 2: Strike through the text and do not hyperlink
# 3: Strike through the text and add ¹
# 4: Add ²
# 5: Add ³
proc hd_list_of_links {title w lx} {
global hd
set w [expr {$w/20}]em
hd_puts "<div class='columns' style='columns: ${w} auto;'>\n"
hd_puts "<ul style='padding-top:0;'>\n"
foreach x $lx {
foreach {kw lbl s} $x break
set suffix {}
set prefix {}
switch $s {
1 {set suffix "<small><i>(exp)</i></small>"}
2 {set suffix "</s>"; set prefix "<s>"; set kw ""}
3 {set suffix "¹</s>"; set prefix "<s>"}
4 {set suffix "²"}
5 {set suffix "³"}
if {$kw!=""} {
if {$hd(enable-main) && $hd(enable-aux)} {
set hd(enable-main) 0
set url [hd_keyword_to_uri $kw]
hd_puts "<li><a href='$url'>$prefix$lbl$suffix</a></li>\n"
set hd(enable-main) 1
set hd(enable-aux) 0
set url [hd_keyword_to_uri $kw]
hd_puts "<li><a href='$url'>$prefix$lbl$suffix</a></li>\n"
set hd(enable-aux) 1
} else {
set url [hd_keyword_to_uri $kw]
hd_puts "<li><a href='$url'>$prefix$lbl$suffix</a></li>\n"
} else {
hd_puts "<li>$prefix$lbl$suffix</li>\n"
hd_puts "</ul>\n"
hd_puts "</div>\n"
# Record the fact that all keywords given in the argument list should
# cause a jump to the current location in the current file.
# If only the main output file is open, then all references to the
# keyword jump to the main output file. If both main and aux are
# open then references from within the main file jump to the main file
# and all other references jump to the auxiliary file.
# This procedure is only active during the first pass when we are
# collecting hyperlink information. This procedure is redefined to
# be a no-op before the start of the second pass.
proc hd_keywords {args} {
global hd
if {$hd(fragment)==""} {
set lurl $hd(fn-main)
} else {
set lurl "#$hd(fragment)"
set fn $hd(fn-main)
if {[info exists hd(aux)]} {
set gurl $hd(fn-aux)
if {$hd(aux-fragment)!=""} {
append gurl "#$hd(aux-fragment)"
} else {
set gurl {}
if {$hd(fragment)!=""} {
set lurl $hd(fn-main)#$hd(fragment)
set override_flag 0
foreach a $args {
if {[regexp {^-+(.*)} $a all param] && ![regexp {^-D} $a]} {
switch $param {
"override" {
set override_flag 1
default {
puts stderr [record_error "unknown parameter: $a"]
if {[regexp {^\*} $a]} {
set visible 0
set a [string range $a 1 end]
} else {
set visible 1
if {[regexp {^/--} $a]} {set a [string range $a 1 end]}
regsub -all {[^a-zA-Z0-9_.#/ -]} $a {} kw
if {[info exists ::glink($kw)]} {
if {[info exists hd(aux)] && $::glink($kw)==$hd(fn-aux)} {
db eval {DELETE FROM keyword WHERE kw=$kw}
} elseif {$override_flag==0} {
puts stderr [record_error \
"WARNING: duplicate keyword \"$kw\" - $::glink($kw) and $lurl"]
if {$gurl==""} {
gather_link $kw $lurl GLOBAL
db eval {INSERT OR IGNORE INTO keyword(kw,fragment,indexKw)
} else {
gather_link $kw $gurl GLOBAL
gather_link $fn:$kw $lurl LOCAL
db eval {INSERT OR IGNORE INTO keyword(kw,fragment,indexKw)
# Start a new fragment in the main file. Give the new fragment the
# indicated name. Any keywords defined after this point will refer
# to the fragment, not to the beginning of the file.
proc hd_fragment {name args} {
global hd
set hd(fragment) $name
puts $hd(main) "<a name=\"$name\"></a>"
if {$hd(enable-aux)} {
puts $hd(aux) "<a name=\"$name\"></a>"
set hd(aux-fragment) $name
eval hd_keywords $args
# Current output doc path sans tail.
proc out_dir {} {
global hd
if {$hd(enable-aux)} {
return $hd(rootpath-aux)
} else {
return $hd(rootpath-main)
# Pre-filtering and funneling for added backlinks.
proc backlink_add {t r} {
# Filter out self-references for obviousness.
if {$t eq $r} return
gather_link $t $r BACK
# Pre-filtering and funneling for added pagelinks.
proc pagelink_add {t r} {
# Do not add compendium refs to the compendia. Too obvious and useless.
if {[regexp {^doc_.*} $r]} return
if {$t eq $r} return
# Fixup (useless and duplicate-generating) relative-to-. page links.
set t [regsub {^\.\/} $t ""]
gather_link $t $r PAGE
# Write raw output to both the main file and the auxiliary.
# Only write after first pass to files that are enabled.
proc hd_puts {text} {
if {$::scan_pass < 2} return
global hd
if {$hd(enable-main)} {
set fn $hd(fn-main)
puts -nonewline $hd(main) $text
if {$hd(enable-aux)} {
set fn $hd(fn-aux)
puts -nonewline $hd(aux) $text
# Our post-pass pagelink processing based off the globals
# ::llink, ::glink, and ::backlink generated during hd_resolve
# processing doesn't catch links output directly with hd_puts.
# This code adds those links to our pagelink array, ::pagelink.
set refs [regexp -all -inline {href=\"(.*?)\"} $text]
foreach {href ref} $refs {
regsub {#.*} $ref {} ref2
regsub {http:\/\/www\.sqlite\.org\/} $ref2 {} ref3
if {[regexp {^checklists\/} $ref3]} continue
regsub {\.\.\/} $ref3 {} ref4
if {[regexp {^http} $ref4]} continue
if {$ref4==""} continue
if {[regexp {\.html$} $ref4]} {
pagelink_add $ref4 $fn
proc hd_putsnl {text} {
hd_puts $text\n
# Enable or disable the main output file.
proc hd_enable_main {boolean} {
global hd
set hd(enable-main) $boolean
# Enable or disable the auxiliary output file.
proc hd_enable_aux {boolean} {
global hd
set hd(enable-aux) $boolean
set hd(enable-aux) 0
# Open the main output file. $filename is relative to $::DEST.
proc hd_open_main {filename} {
global hd DEST
set hd(fn-main) $filename
set hd(rootpath-main) [hd_rootpath $filename]
set hd(main) [open $DEST/$filename w]
set hd(enable-main) 1
set hd(enable-aux) 0
set hd(footer) {}
set hd(fragment) {}
pagelink_add $filename $filename
# If $filename is a path from $::DEST to a file, return a path
# from the directory containing $filename back to the directory $::DEST.
proc hd_rootpath {filename} {
set up {}
set n [llength [split $filename /]]
if {$n<=1} {
return {}
} else {
return [string repeat ../ [expr {$n-1}]]
# Close the main output file.
proc hd_close_main {} {
global hd
if {[info exists hd(main)]} {
puts $hd(main) $hd(mtime-msg)
puts $hd(main) $hd(footer)
close $hd(main)
unset hd(main)
set hd(rootpath-main) ""
# Open the auxiliary output file.
# Most documents have only a main file and no auxiliary. However, some
# large documents are broken up into smaller pieces where each smaller piece
# is an auxiliary file. There will typically be either many auxiliary files
# or no auxiliary files associated with each main file.
proc hd_open_aux {filename} {
global hd DEST
set hd(fn-aux) $filename
set hd(rootpath-aux) [hd_rootpath $filename]
set hd(aux) [open $DEST/$filename w]
set hd(enable-aux) 1
set hd(aux-fragment) {}
pagelink_add $filename $filename
# Add to list of outputs subject to caret removal.
if {$::updating && $::scan_pass == 2} {
puts $::pgfd $DEST/$filename
# Close the auxiliary output file
proc hd_close_aux {} {
global hd
if {[info exists hd(aux)]} {
puts $hd(aux) $hd(mtime-msg)
puts $hd(aux) $hd(footer)
close $hd(aux)
unset hd(aux)
unset hd(fn-aux)
set hd(enable-aux) 0
set hd(enable-main) 1
# Pages call this routine to suppress the bottom "Page Last Modified" message.
proc hd_omit_mtime {} {
global hd
set hd(mtime-msg) {}
# hd_putsin4 is like puts except that it removes the first 4 indentation
# characters from each line. It also does variable substitution in
# the namespace of its calling procedure.
proc putsin4 {fd text} {
regsub -all "\n " $text \n text
puts $fd [uplevel 1 [list subst -noback -nocom $text]]
# For each .in file, generate a globally unique object id sequence.
# This one is made from a PRNG seeded with a 128-bit hash of the .in filename.
# As each input's pass 2 starts, the PRNG is seeded deterministically so that
# generated files are created identically as long as their .in is unchanged.
# This allows incremental and full doc builds to produce identical outputs.
set ::id_prng ""
set ::id_part 0
proc seed_id {hv} {
set ::id_prng $hv
set ::id_part 0
# Return successive values from the sequence as the id.
proc hd_id {} {
set ixb $::id_part
set ixe [incr ::id_part 8]
set hvs [string range $::id_prng $ixb [expr $ixe - 1]]
if {$ixe >= 32} {
set ::id_prng [md5 "$::id_prng $::currentInfile"]
set ::id_part 0
return x$hvs
# Function to retrieve some SCM-related facts about a source file.
# Return list of normalizedFilename artifactId checkinTimestamp .
proc scm_facts_for {infn} {
set fname ""; set arid ""; set cits ""; set date ""; set ckin ""
try {
set finfo [exec fossil finfo -l -n 1 $infn]
foreach {hln vln} [lrange [split $finfo "\n"] 0 1] break
regexp {History for ([[:graph:]]+)$} $hln _ fname
regexp {^([-0-9]{10}) \[([0-9a-f]+)\]} $vln _ date ckin
regexp {artifact: +\[([0-9a-f]+)\]} $finfo _ arid
if {$ckin ne ""} {
foreach iln [split [exec fossil info $ckin] "\n"] {
if {[regexp {^hash:} $iln]} {
regexp {([-0-9]{10} [0-9:]{8}) UTC$} $iln _ cits
} on error erc {
if {[incr ::fossilFails] < 2} { puts stderr "fossil invoke fails: $erc" }
return [list $fname $arid $cits]
# A procedure to write the common header found on every HTML file on
# the SQLite website.
proc hd_header {title {srcfile {}}} {
global hd
set saved_enable $hd(enable-main)
if {$srcfile==""} {
set fd $hd(aux)
set path $hd(rootpath-aux)
} else {
set fd $hd(main)
set path $hd(rootpath-main)
puts $fd [document_header $title $path]
set hd(mtime-msg) {}
if {$srcfile!=""} {
set owd [pwd]
cd [file dir $srcfile]
foreach {fname arid cits} [scm_facts_for [file tail $srcfile]] break
cd $owd
if {$arid ne "" && $cits ne ""} {
set hd(mtime-msg) [hd_trim \
"<p align=\"center\"><small><i>This page last modified on \
<a href=\"https://sqlite.org/docsrc/honeypot\" id=\"mtimelink\" \
data-href=\"https://sqlite.org/docsrc/finfo/$fname?m=$arid\">$cits</a> UTC\
if {[file exists DRAFT]} {
set hd(footer) [hd_trim {
<p align="center"><font size="6" color="red">*** DRAFT ***</font></p>
} else {
set hd(footer) {}
} else {
set hd(enable-main) $saved_enable
# Insert a bubble syntax diagram into the output.
proc BubbleDiagram {name {anonymous_flag 0}} {
global hd
#if {!$anonymous_flag} {
# hd_resolve "<h4>\[$name:\]</h4>"
hd_resolve "<p><b>\[$name:\]</b></p>"
set alt "alt=\"syntax diagram $name\""
if {$hd(enable-main)} {
puts $hd(main) "<div class='imgcontainer'>\n\
[hd_syntax_diagram $hd(rootpath-main)images/syntax/$name]\n\
if {$hd(enable-aux)} {
puts $hd(aux) "<div class='imgcontainer'>\n\
[hd_syntax_diagram $hd(rootpath-aux)images/syntax/$name]\n\
proc HiddenBubbleDiagram {name} {
global hd
set alt "alt=\"syntax diagram $name\""
hd_resolve "<p><b>\[$name:\]</b> "
if {$hd(enable-main)} {
set a [hd_id]
set b [hd_id]
puts $hd(main) \
"<button id='$a' onclick='hideorshow(\"$a\",\"$b\")'>show</button>\
<div id='$b' style='display:none;' class='imgcontainer'>\n\
[hd_syntax_diagram $hd(rootpath-main)images/syntax/$name]\n\
if {$hd(enable-aux)} {
set a [hd_id]
set b [hd_id]
puts $hd(aux) \
"<button id='$a' onclick='hideorshow(\"$a\",\"$b\")'>show</button>\
<div id='$b' style='display:none;' class='imgcontainer'>\n\
[hd_syntax_diagram $hd(rootpath-aux)images/syntax/$name]\n\
proc RecursiveBubbleDiagram_helper {class name openlist exclude} {
global hd syntax_linkage DEST
set alt "alt=\"syntax diagram $name\""
hd_resolve "<p><b>\[$name:\]</b>\n"
set a [hd_id]
set b [hd_id]
set openflag 0
set open2 {}
foreach x $openlist {
if {$x==$name} {
set openflag 1
} else {
lappend open2 $x
if {$openflag} {
puts $hd($class) \
"<button id='$a' onclick='hideorshow(\"$a\",\"$b\")'>hide</button></p>\n\
<div id='$b' class='imgcontainer'>\n\
[hd_syntax_diagram $hd(rootpath-$class)images/syntax/$name]"
} else {
puts $hd($class) \
"<button id='$a' onclick='hideorshow(\"$a\",\"$b\")'>show</button></p>\n\
<div id='$b' style='display:none;' class='imgcontainer'>\n\
[hd_syntax_diagram $hd(rootpath-$class)images/syntax/$name]"
if {[info exists syntax_linkage($name)]} {
foreach {cx px} $syntax_linkage($name) break
foreach c $cx {
if {[lsearch $exclude $c]>=0} continue
RecursiveBubbleDiagram_helper $class $c $open2 [concat $exclude $cx]
puts $hd($class) "</div>"
proc RecursiveBubbleDiagram {args} {
global hd
set show 1
set a2 {}
foreach name $args {
if {$name=="--initially-hidden"} {
set show 0
} else {
lappend a2 $name
if {$show} {
set showlist $a2
} else {
set showlist {}
set name [lindex $a2 0]
if {$hd(enable-main)} {
RecursiveBubbleDiagram_helper main $name $showlist $name
if {$hd(enable-aux)} {
RecursiveBubbleDiagram_helper aux $name $showlist $name
# Insert a See Also line for related bubble
# Record a requirement. This procedure is active only for the first
# pass. This procedure becomes a no-op for the second pass. During
# the second pass, requirements listing report generators can use the
# data accumulated during the first pass to construct their reports.
# If the "verbatim" argument is true, then the requirement text is
# rendered as is. In other words, the requirement text is assumed to
# be valid HTML with all hyperlinks already resolved. If the "verbatim"
# argument is false (the default) then the requirement text is rendered
# using hd_render which will find an expand hyperlinks within the text.
# The "comment" argument is non-binding commentary and explanation that
# accompanies the requirement.
proc hd_requirement {id text derivedfrom comment} {
if {[info exists ALLREQ($id)]} {
puts stderr [record_error "duplicate requirement label: $id"]
set ALLREQ_DERIVEDFROM($id) $derivedfrom
set ALLREQ($id) $text
set ALLREQ_COM($id) $comment
# Read a block of requirements from an ASCII text file. Store the
# information obtained in a global variable named by the second parameter.
proc hd_read_requirement_file {filename varname} {
global hd_req_rdr
set in [open $filename]
while {![eof $in]} {
set line [gets $in]
if {[regexp {^(HLR|UNDEF|SYSREQ) +([LHSU]\d+) *(.*)} $line _ type rn df]} {
hd_add_one_requirement $varname
set hd_req_rdr(rn) $rn
set hd_req_rdr(derived) $df
} elseif {[string trim $line]==""} {
if {$hd_req_rdr(body)==""} {
set hd_req_rdr(body) $hd_req_rdr(comment)
set hd_req_rdr(comment) {}
} else {
append hd_req_rdr(comment) \n
} else {
append hd_req_rdr(comment) $line\n
hd_add_one_requirement $varname
close $in
proc hd_reset_requirement_reader {} {
global hd_req_rdr
set hd_req_rdr(rn) {}
set hd_req_rdr(comment) {}
set hd_req_rdr(body) {}
set hd_req_rdr(derived) {}
proc hd_add_one_requirement {varname} {
global hd_req_rdr
set rn $hd_req_rdr(rn)
if {$rn!=""} {
if {$hd_req_rdr(body)==""} {
set hd_req_rdr(body) $hd_req_rdr(comment)
set hd_req_rdr(comment) {}
set b [string trim $hd_req_rdr(body)]
set c [string trim $hd_req_rdr(comment)]
set ::${varname}($rn) [list $hd_req_rdr(derived) $b $c]
lappend ::${varname}(*) $rn
# Determine which of specified infiles to actually scan and transform,
# and populate the link arrays accordingly. (No stale links to remain.)
set infiles [lrange $argv 3 end]
if {$::updating} {
foreach {odfiles udfiles} [outdated_uptodate db $infiles] break
set nod [llength $odfiles]
set nud [llength $udfiles]
# Pre-populate ::glink, ::llink, ::backlink, ::pagelink arrays
# from the DB while omitting elements gleaned from the outdated inputs.
set lcount 0
foreach {g l b p ref_count} [fetch_links db $udfiles] {
array set ::glink $g
incr lcount [array size ::glink]
array set ::llink $l
incr lcount [array size ::llink]
array set ::backlink $b
incr lcount [array size ::backlink]
array set ::pagelink $p
incr lcount [array size ::pagelink]
puts "Reusing $lcount links from $nud files to process $nod files."
puts "Possibly resolving $ref_count link references from $nud files."
set infiles $odfiles
array set ::dateofversion {}
# Get date/version info used by chronology.in, which may remain unprocessed.
foreach {udvv} [chronology_info] {
foreach {uuid date vers vnum} $udvv break
set ::dateofversion($vers) $date
# Normalize the appendee associative arrays value lists and rebuild them to
# make generated crossref pages the same between full and incremental builds.
proc normalize_apparray {aaName} {
set blv [lsort -nocase -stride 2 [array get $aaName]]
array unset $aaName
foreach {k v} $blv {
array set $aaName [list $k [lsort -unique $v]]
unset blv
# Dump key value pairs of an over-written style link array, as Tcl commands.
proc dump_ow_links { owaName ofd } {
foreach v [lsort [array names $owaName]] {
puts $ofd "set k \"$v\"; set ${owaName}(\$k) {[set ${owaName}($v)]}"
puts $ofd "unset k"
# Dump key value pairs of an appended-upon style link array, as Tcl commands.
proc dump_ap_links { apaName ofd } {
foreach v [lsort [array names $apaName]] {
puts -nonewline $ofd "set k \"$v\"; "
puts -nonewline $ofd [string cat "lappend $apaName" "(\$k) {*}\[split \""]
set ve [eval [string cat {set } $apaName {($v)}]]
puts -nonewline $ofd [join [lsort $ve] "\t"]
puts $ofd {" "\t"]}
puts $ofd "unset k"
# (Maybe) show a hash for a link array. Used for simple verification that such
# an array is identical after processing between full and incremental builds.
if {$::doc_build_stats > 0} {
# Diagnostic aid for link array contents.
proc show_array_hash {args} {
foreach aName $args {
upvar $aName a
puts "$aName hash: [md5 [join [lsort -stride 2 [array get a]] {!}]]"
} else {
proc show_array_hash {args} {}
# Keep input hashes for id sequence generation.
array set ::in_hashes {}
# If dbs bit 3 set, instrument creation/use of procs over pass 1 scan.
# Detect and report any proc defined in x.in then called from y.in ,
# instances of which will be problematic for incremental docs build.
if {($::doc_build_stats & 8) != 0} {
rename proc built-in-proc
built-in-proc proc {name args body} {
if {![regexp {^::hdom::} $name] && $::scan_pass == 1} {
set prepend "if {\$::currentInfile ne \"$::currentInfile\"} {\n
puts stderr \"proc $name cross-called from \$::currentInfile\"\n
set body "$prepend\n$body"
built-in-proc $name $args $body
# First pass. Process input files. But do not render hyperlinks.
# Merely collect keyword and reference information so that links
# can be correctly rendered (or detected broken) on second pass.
set ::scan_pass 1 ;# Variable used locally and within scanned sources.
if {!($::doc_build_stats & 1)} {
puts -nonewline "Gathering links from [llength $infiles] input files ."
set num_scanned 0
foreach infile $infiles {
if {$::doc_build_stats & 1} {
puts "Gathering links from $infile"
} else {
if {[incr num_scanned] % 6 == 0} {puts -nonewline . ; flush stdout}
set ::currentInfile $infile
set fd [open $infile r]
set in [read $fd]
close $fd
set hash [md5 $in]
set ::in_hashes($::currentInfile) $hash
set ::currentInfid [note_source db $infile $hash]
if {[regexp {<(fancy_format|table_of_contents)>} $in]} {
set in [addtoc $in]
set title {No Title}
regexp {<title>([^\n]*)</title>} $in all title
regsub {<title>[^\n]*</title>} $in {} in
set outfile [file root [file tail $infile]].html
hd_open_main $outfile
db eval {
INSERT INTO page(filename,pagetitle)
set h(pageid) [db last_insert_rowid]
while {[regexp {<alt-title>([^\n]*)</alt-title>} $in all alttitle]} {
regsub {<alt-title>[^\n]*</alt-title>} $in {} in
db eval {
INSERT INTO alttitle(alttitle,pageid) VALUES($alttitle,$h(pageid));
hd_header $title $infile
regsub -all {<tcl>} $in "\175; eval \173" in
regsub -all {</tcl>} $in "\175; hd_puts \173" in
if {[catch {eval hd_puts "\173$in\175"} err]} {
puts "\nERROR in $infile"
puts [string range "$::errorInfo\n$in" 0 200]
exit 1
set ::currentInfid 0
set ::currentInfile ""
if {!($::doc_build_stats & 1)} {puts ""}
# Undo the proc define/use instrumentation setup above.
if {($::doc_build_stats & 8) != 0} {
rename proc ""
rename built-in-proc proc
# Second pass. Process input files again. This time render hyperlinks
# according to the keyword information collected on the first pass.
proc hd_keywords {args} {}
rename hd_resolve {}
rename hd_resolve_2ndpass hd_resolve
proc hd_requirement {args} {}
set ::scan_pass 2
proc footer_too {} {}
# proc footer_too {} {
# source [file normalize [file join $::DOC pages footer.tcl]]
# }
if {!($::doc_build_stats & 1)} {
puts -nonewline "Transforming [llength $infiles] files to $DEST/*.html ."
set num_resolved 0
foreach infile $infiles {
if {$::doc_build_stats & 1} {
puts -nonewline "Transforming $infile to $DEST/$outfile"
} else {
if {[incr num_resolved] % 6 == 0} {puts -nonewline . ; flush stdout}
set ::currentInfile $infile
set ::currentInfid [tidof_source db $infile]
set outfile [file root [file tail $infile]].html
set fd [open $infile r]
set in [read $fd]
close $fd
seed_id $::in_hashes($::currentInfile)
regsub -all {<alt-title>[^\n]*</alt-title>} $in {} in
if {[regexp {<(fancy_format|table_of_contents)>} $in]} {
set in [addtoc $in]
set title {No Title}
regexp {<title>([^\n]*)</title>} $in all title
regsub {<title>[^\n]*</title>} $in {} in
hd_open_main $outfile
if {$::updating} {
puts $::pgfd $DEST/$outfile
hd_header $title $infile
regsub -all {<tcl>} $in "\175; eval \173" in
regsub -all {</tcl>} $in "\175; hd_resolve \173" in
eval "hd_resolve \173$in\175"
set ::currentInfid 0
set ::currentInfile ""
if {!($::doc_build_stats & 1)} {puts ""}
set ::scan_pass 3
# Processing from here on uses only variables already set.
# No further link sets are kept in the docinfo.db DB.
set broken_glinks [unsatisfied_links db]
# Get the appended-upon link arrays into a normalized condition.
normalize_apparray ::backlink
normalize_apparray ::pagelink
# And maybe show their hashes (for debug.)
show_array_hash ::glink ::llink ::backlink ::pagelink
# Generate 4 documents showing the hyperlink keywords and their targets,
# restricted to those relating to the main body of the documentation.
hd_open_main doc_keyword_crossref.html
hd_header {Keyword Crossreference} $::DOC/wrap.tcl
hd_puts "<ul>"
foreach x [lsort -dict [array names ::glink]] {
set y $::glink($x)
hd_puts "<li>$x - <a href=\"$y\">$y</a></li>"
lappend ::revglink($y) $x
hd_puts "</ul>"
show_array_hash ::revglink
hd_open_main doc_target_crossref.html
hd_header {Target Crossreference} $::DOC/wrap.tcl
hd_putsnl "<ul>"
foreach y [lsort [array names revglink]] {
hd_putsnl "<li><a href=\"$y\">$y</a> → [lsort $revglink($y)]</li>"
hd_putsnl "</ul>"
hd_open_main doc_backlink_crossref.html
hd_header {Backlink Crossreference} $::DOC/wrap.tcl
hd_puts "<ul>"
foreach kw [lsort -nocase [array names ::backlink]] {
hd_puts "<li>$kw →"
foreach ref [lsort -unique $::backlink($kw)] {
hd_putsnl " <a href=\"$ref\">$ref</a>"
hd_putsnl "</ul>"
# Will suppress mentioning these in hyperlink compendia.
set ::tossers {(news|changes|releaselog|[0-9]to[0-9]|^doc_[^_]+_crossref)}
proc tossable_xref {v} {
return [regexp $::tossers $v]
hd_open_main doc_pagelink_crossref.html
hd_header {Pagelink Crossreference} $::DOC/wrap.tcl
hd_puts \
"<p>Key: Target_Page → pages that have hyperlinks to the target page.</p>"
hd_puts \
"<p>Pages matching [regsub -all {\^} $::tossers {\^}] are skipped.</p>"
hd_puts "<ul>"
foreach y [lsort [array names revglink]] {
regsub {#.*} $y {} y2
foreach kw [lsort $revglink($y)] {
if {[info exists ::backlink($kw)]} {
foreach ref $::backlink($kw) {
regsub {#.*} $ref {} ref2
if {$::doc_build_stats > 0 && ![file exists "doc/$y2"]} {
puts stderr "Goofy pagelink $y2"
pagelink_add $y2 $ref2
normalize_apparray ::pagelink
foreach y [lsort [array names ::pagelink]] {
if {[tossable_xref $y]} continue
if {$::doc_build_stats > 0 && ![file exists "doc/$y"]} {
puts stderr "Goofy pagelink $y"
set plo [list]
foreach ref [lsort -unique $::pagelink($y)] {
if {$ref==$y || [tossable_xref $ref]} continue
lappend plo $ref
if {[llength $plo] == 0} continue
regsub {^\.\./} $y {} sy
hd_putsnl "<li><a href=\"$y\">$sy</a> → "
foreach ref $plo {
regsub {^\.\./} $ref {} sref
hd_puts "<a href=\"$ref\">$sref</a> "
hd_putsnl "</li>"
hd_puts "</ul>"
if {$::doc_build_stats > 0} {
# Show links modified by kind and pass.
foreach gst [lsort [array names ::gather_stats]] {
puts "$gst count: $::gather_stats($gst)"
# If build succeeded, preserve file and link info just gathered for later
# incremental builds. Without this, next faster build will repeat its work.
# Such repetition is desirable when diagnosing and fixing broken links.
if {[llength $broken_glinks] > 0} {
array set broken $broken_glinks
incr ::errorCountTotal [llength [array names broken]]
puts "Unsatisfied global link references:"
foreach tag [lsort [array names broken]] {
puts "$tag: [join [lsort -unique $broken($tag)] { }]"
set ::exit_status 1
} elseif {$::errorCountTotal == 0} {
puts "Preserving collected link data for incremental builds."
keep_links_fileinfo db
set ::exit_status 0
} else {
set ::exit_status 1
db eval COMMIT
puts "Writing 4 link arrays to 'doc_vardump.txt'"
set fd [open [file join $::DOC doc_vardump.txt] wb]
foreach a {::glink ::llink} { dump_ow_links $a $fd }
foreach a {::backlink ::pagelink} { dump_ap_links $a $fd }
close $fd
if {$::doc_build_stats>0} { report_inc_stats db }
if {$::updating} {
close $::pgfd
clear_db_partial db
puts \
"Tables link, keyword, fragment, page, alttitle and expage emptied or dropped.
Do a full docs build, target \"fast\", for requirements, evidence and etc."
db close
# Iff errors accumulated, blat them.
dump_errors stderr
# Finally, show bottom-line result summary.
set out_istty [expr 1 - [catch {chan configure stdout -mode}]]
foreach {aer aeg aet} [lmap ec {"1;31;40" "1;32;40" "0"} {
string repeat "\u001B\[${ec}m" $out_istty
}] break
if {$::errorCountTotal == 0} {
puts "Page ${aeg}processing succeeded${aet} with no errors."
} else {
puts "Page ${aer}processing failed with $::errorCountTotal errors${aet}."
exit $::exit_status