#### Import of wapp.tcl
INCLUDE wapp.tcl
#### End of wapp.tcl
# Generate all header content for the output document
proc search_header {} {
wapp {
DOCHEAD {Search SQLite Documentation} {}
# Add an entry to the log database for the current query. Which
# returns $nRes results.
proc search_add_log_entry {nRes} {
if {[wapp-param-exists donotlog]} return
sqlite3 db2 [file dir [wapp-param SCRIPT_FILENAME]]/search.d/searchlog.db
db2 timeout 10000
set ip [wapp-param REMOTE_ADDR]
set query [wapp-param q]
db2 eval {
PRAGMA synchronous=OFF;
PRAGMA journal_mode=OFF;
ip, -- IP query was made from
query, -- Fts5 query string
nres, -- Number of results
INSERT INTO log(ip, query, nres) VALUES($ip, $query, $nRes);
db2 close
# This command is similar to the builtin Tcl [time] command, except that
# it only ever runs the supplied script once. Also, instead of returning
# a string like "xxx microseconds per iteration", it returns "x.yy ms" or
# "x.yy s", depending on the magnitude of the time spent running the
# command. For example:
# % ttime {after 1500}
# 1.50 s
# % ttime {after 45}
# 45.02 ms
proc ttime {script} {
set t [lindex [time [list uplevel $script]] 0]
if {$t>1000000} { return [format "%.2f s" [expr {$t/1000000.0}]] }
return [format "%.2f ms" [expr {$t/1000.0}]]
# Do a search of the change log
proc searchchanges {} {
set q [wapp-param q]
if {$q==""} {return {}}
if {[regexp -all \x22 $q] % 2} { append q \x22 }
set x ""
foreach word [split $q " "] {
append x " \"[string map [list "\"" "\"\""] $word]\""
set q [string trim $x]
regsub -all {[^a-zA-Z0-9_]} $q { } q
set open {<span style="background-color:#d9f2e6">}
set close {</span>}
set query {
SELECT url, version, idx, highlight(change, 3, $open, $close) AS text
FROM change($q) ORDER BY rowid ASC
wapp-trim {
<p>Change log entries mentioning: <b>%html($q)</b>
<table border=0>
set s2 "style=\"margin-top:0\""
set s1 "style=\"font-size:larger; text-align:left\" class=nounderline"
set prev ""
db eval $query {
if {$prev!=$version} {
wapp-trim {
<tr> <td %unsafe($s1) valign=top> <a href='%url($url)'>%html($version)</a>
<td> <ul %unsafe($s2)>
set prev $version
wapp-subst {<li value=%html($idx)> (%html($idx)) %unsafe($text)\n}
wapp-trim {
<center><p>You can also see the <a href=changes.html>entire
changelog as a single page</a> if you wish.</center>
# Do a search over all documentation other than the change log
proc searchresults {} {
set q [wapp-param q]
if {$q==""} {return ""}
# Count the '"' characters in $::A(q). If there is an odd number of
# occurrences, add a " to the end of the query so that fts5 can parse
# it without error.
if {[regexp -all \x22 $q] % 2} { append q \x22 }
# Set iStart to the index of the first result to display. Results are
# indexed starting at zero from most to least relevant.
set iStart 0
catch {set iStart [expr {[wapp-param i 0]*10}]}
# Grab a list of rowid results.
set sql {
SELECT rowid FROM page WHERE page MATCH $q
ORDER BY srank(page) DESC,
rank * COALESCE(
(SELECT percent FROM weight WHERE id=page.rowid), 100
if {[catch { set lRowid [db eval $sql] }]} {
set x ""
foreach word [split $q " "] {
append x " \"[string map [list "\"" "\"\""] $word]\""
set q [string trim $x]
set lRowid [db eval $sql]
set lRes [list]
foreach rowid $lRowid {
if {$rowid > 1000} {
set parent [expr $rowid / 1000]
lappend subsections($parent) $rowid
} else {
lappend lRes $rowid
set nRes [llength $lRes]
set lRes [lrange $lRes $iStart [expr $iStart+9]]
# Add an entry to the log database.
search_add_log_entry $nRes
# If there are no results, return a message to that effect.
if {[llength $lRes] == 0} {
wapp-subst {<p>No Results for: <b>%html($q)</b>\n}
# HTML markup used to highlight keywords within FTS5 generated snippets.
set open {<span style="background-color:#d9f2e6">}
set close {</span>}
set ellipsis {<b> ... </b>}
# Grab the required data
db eval [string map [list %LIST% [join $lRowid ,]] {
rowid AS parentid,
snippet(page, 0, $open, $close, $ellipsis, 6) AS s_apis,
snippet(page, 2, $open, $close, '', 40) AS s_title1,
snippet(page, 3, $open, $close, $ellipsis, 40) AS s_title2,
snippet(page, 4, $open, $close, $ellipsis, 40) AS s_content,
url, rank
FROM page($q)
WHERE rowid IN (%LIST%)
}] X {
foreach k [array names X] { set data($X(parentid),$k) [set X($k)] }
set i1 [expr {$iStart+1}]
set i2 [expr {($nRes < $iStart+10) ? $nRes : $iStart+10}]
wapp-trim {
<table border=0>
<p>Search results %html($i1)..%html($i2) of %html($nRes) for: <b>%html($q)</b>
foreach rowid $lRes {
foreach a {parentid s_apis s_title1 s_content url rank} {
set $a $data($rowid,$a)
if {[info exists subsections($parentid)]} {
set childid [lindex $subsections($parentid) 0]
set link $data($childid,url)
set hdr $data($childid,s_title2)
if {$hdr==""} {
set s_content ""
} else {
set s_content [subst {
<b><a style=color:#044a64 href=$link>$hdr</a></b>
append s_content " $data($childid,s_content)"
wapp-trim {<tr>
<td valign=top style="line-height:150%">
<div style="white-space:wrap;font-size:larger" class=nounderline>
<a href="%url($url)">%unsafe($s_title1)</a>
<div style="float:right;font-size:smaller;color:#BBB">(%url($url))</div>
<div style="margin-left: 10ex; font:larger monospace">%unsafe($s_apis)</div>
<div style="margin-left: 4ex; margin-bottom:1.5em">
wapp-subst {</table>\n}
# If the query returned more than 10 results, add up to 10 links to
# each set of 10 results (first link to results 1-10, second to 11-20,
# third to 21-30, as required).
if {$nRes>10} {
set s(0) {border:solid #044a64 1px;padding:1ex;margin:1ex;line-height:300%;}
set s(1) "$s(0);background:#044a64;color:white"
wapp-subst {<center><p>\n}
for {set i 0} {$i < 10 && ($i*10)<$nRes} {incr i} {
set style $s([expr {($iStart/10)==$i}])
wapp-trim {
<a style="%html($style)"
href="search?q=%qp($q)&i=%qp($i)">%html([expr $i+1])</a>
wapp-subst {</center>\n}
# This is the main entry point into the search result page generator
proc wapp-default {} {
wapp-content-security-policy {default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'}
if {[wapp-param-exists env]} {
wapp-trim {
<h1>Environment Dump For Debugging</h1>
# When running using the built-in webserver in Wapp (in other words,
# when not running as CGI) any filename that contains a "." loads
# directly from the filesystem.
if {[wapp-param WAPP_MODE]!="cgi"
&& [string match *.* [wapp-param PATH_INFO]]
} {
set altfile [file dir [wapp-param SCRIPT_FILENAME]][wapp-param PATH_INFO]
set fd [open $altfile rb]
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
wapp-unsafe [read $fd]
close $fd
switch -glob -- $altfile {
*.html {
wapp-mimetype text/html
*.css {
wapp-mimetype text/css
*.gif {
wapp-mimetype image/gif
sqlite3 db [file dir [wapp-param SCRIPT_FILENAME]]/search.d/search.db
set searchType [wapp-param s d]
if {$searchType=="c"} {
set cmd searchchanges
} else {
set cmd searchresults
db transaction {
set t [ttime {$cmd}]
wapp-trim {
<p>Page generated by <a href='fts5.html'>FTS5</a> in about %html($t).
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
var w = document.getElementById("searchmenu");
w.style.display = "block";
w = document.getElementById("searchtype");
w.value = "%string($searchType)"
var s = document.getElementById("searchbox");
s.value = "%string([wapp-param q])"
}, 30);
wapp-start $argv