The Base85() SQL Function
3. Features
The base85() function always takes a single argument that must be TEXT
(for base85-to-binary conversion) or a BLOB (for binary-to-base85 conversion).
If the argument to base85() is a BLOB, then the return value is TEXT
according ...
SQLite Download Page
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Precompiled Binaries for Android
sqlite-android-3490100.aar(3.40 MiB)
A precompiled Android library containing
the core SQLite together with appropriate Java bindings, ready to drop
into any Android Studio project.(SHA3-256: 664603d2506cfc4c37d4398e760bdcf7c99f983a485469fc135ce52708d2bdc7)
Precompiled Binaries for Linux ...
Query Planning
1.4. Multiple Result Rows
... In fact, the cost of advancing to the next row is so
cheap in comparison to a binary search that we usually ignore it. So
our estimate for the total cost of this query is 3 binary searches.
If the ...
The Base64() SQL Function
1. Overview
... The function converts a binary
BLOB into equivalent RFC 4648
text or converts RFC 4648 text into the equivalent BLOB.
The base64() function is not a standard part of SQLite.
It must be loaded as a separate extension. The source ...
The Geopoly Interface To The SQLite R*Tree Module
1.2. Binary storage format
Internally, Geopoly stores polygons in a binary format - an SQL BLOB.
Details of the binary format are given below.
All of the Geopoly interfaces are able to accept polygons in either the
GeoJSON format or in the binary format.
Datatypes In SQLite
7.2. Collation Sequence Examples
a, /* collating sequence BINARY */
b COLLATE BINARY, /* collating sequence BINARY */
c COLLATE RTRIM, /* collating sequence RTRIM */
d COLLATE NOCASE /* collating sequence NOCASE */
/* x a b c d */
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1,'abc ...
C API: Prepared Statement Object
struct sqlite3_stmt
An instance of this object represents a single SQL statement that
has been compiled into binary form and is ready to be evaluated.
Think of each SQL statement as a separate computer program. The
original SQL text is source code ...
C API: Determine The Collation For a Virtual Table Constraint
... Otherwise, "BINARY" is returned.
See also lists of
Constants, and
The UINT Collating Sequence
1. Overview
... The UINT collating sequence works just like the default
BINARY collating sequence for text, except that embedded strings
of digits compare in numeric order.
Leading zeros are handled properly, in the sense that
they do not mess of the maginitude ...
sqldiff.exe: Database Difference Utility
1. Usage
The sqldiff.exe binary is a command-line utility program that
displays content differences between SQLite databases. Example
sqldiff [options] database1.sqlite database2.sqlite
The usual output is an SQL script that will transform
database1.sqlite (the ...
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