*** DRAFT ***
SQLite Release 3.0.7 On 8
- The BTree module allocates large buffers using malloc() instead of
off of the stack, in order to play better on machines with limited
stack space.
- Fixed naming conflicts so that versions 2.8 and 3.0 can be
linked and used together in the same ANSI-C source file.
- New interface: sqlite3_bind_parameter_index()
- Add support for wildcard parameters of the form: "?nnn"
- Fix problems found on 64-bit systems.
- Removed encode.c file (containing unused routines) from the
version 3.0 source tree.
- The sqlite3_trace() callbacks occur before each statement
is executed, not when the statement is compiled.
- Makefile updates and miscellaneous bug fixes.
A complete list of SQLite releases
in a single page and a chronology are both also available.
A detailed history of every
check-in is available at
SQLite version control site.
*** DRAFT ***